
Readings for the 21st century : tomorrow's issues for today's students

By - Vesterman William; Ozersky Josh
ISBN 10 - 0205155367
ISBN 13 - 9780205155361
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 2
common.call_no - 808.0427 VES 1994
common.edition - 2nd ed.
common.physical_description - xx, 438 pages ; 23 cm
Notes - Includes index
Book Information
  This is an anthology of readings of varying lengths, styles, and points of view, all of which are unified by the common theme of the future. With lively classic and contemporary writings, this reader addresses a broad spectrum of life in the United States and how that life is changing as the global power structure shifts to other regions of the world. It invites readers to consider themselves in direct relation to the issues and problems that will face this generation. Each chapter begins with a classic essay by a well-known author in order to provide a historical perspective on the theme. What follows is a balance of work from celebrated writers like Pete Hamill, Camille Paglia, and Amy Tan, and leaders from the world of business and media including Bill Gates, Oliver Stone, and Al Gore. In addition, selections are included from fresh young writers not yet famous, but who write with authority about subjects of immediate interest to today's readers. Anyone with an interest in writing and composition.

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