
Scale Development

By - DeVellis, Robert F , Thorpe, Carolyn T
ISBN 10 - 1412980445
ISBN 13 - 9781412980449
Book Status - 17 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 13
common.call_no - 300.72 DEV 2012
common.edition - 3rd ed.
common.physical_description - ix, 205 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Notes - Include index.
Book Information
A best-seller in its previous editions, Scale Development: Theory and Applications, Third Edition has been extensively updated and revised to address changes in the field and topics that have grown in importance. Widely adopted for graduate courses in departments such as Psychology, Public Health, Marketing, Nursing, and Education, this book will prove beneficial to applied researchers across the social sciences.

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