
Seeding Solutions

By - Crucible II Group.
Floor - Floor 1
ISBN 10 - 0889369267
ISBN 13 - 9780889369269
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 18
Call Number - 346.048 SEE
Physical Description - 121 pages, v. ; 24 cm.
Notes - Includes bibliographical references.
Book Information
Seeding Solutions Volume 1 brings readers up to date on what has changed – scientifically, politically, and environmentally – since the publication in 1994 of the landmark, People, Plants, and Patents.Volume 1 offers policy makers a clear description of the facts, the fights and the flora relevant to the ownership, conservation, and exchange of genetic resources. Readers new to these issues will learn from this book why germplasm is important and how it relates to trade negotiations, intellectual property disputes and food and health security, both nationally and internationally.

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