
Segmentation and Positioning for Strategic Marketing Decisions

By - Myers, James H.
ISBN 10 - 0877572593
ISBN 13 - 9780877572596
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 17
Call Number - 658.802 MYE
Physical Description - xiii, 358 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Notes - includes index
Book Information
Useful to both consumer marketers and business-to-business researchers, this detailed and engaging book delves much more deeply into segmentation than other marketing handbooks. Myers mediates between discussing the intricacies of segmentation and positioning techniques and showing the ways these techniques can be interpreted and used in the real world. The book covers measuring scales, cluster analysis, conjoint analysis, multivariate analysis, CHAID, and classification and regression trees. Other chapters deal with perceptual positioning maps-point and vector, value maps laddering techniques, and quadrant analysis. Myers uses examples to explain research analysis and provides practical information. In addition to explaining how to evaluate results, he provides caveats and explains pitfalls of each technique.

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