
Seven Schools of Macroeconomic Thought

By - Phelps, Edmund S.
Floor - Floor 1
Published - O.U.P., Oxford, 1991
ISBN 10 - 0198283334
ISBN 13 - 9780198283331
Book Status - 2 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Macroeconomics
Shelf No - 18
common.call_no - 339 PHE
common.physical_description - xiii, 110 pages ; 23 cm
Notes - Includes Index
Book Information
This book comprises the text of the first series of Ryde lectures, established by Lund University in Sweden. It offers a broad survey of various macroeconomic topics which feature prominently in research as well as theoretical and policy debate. An authoritative, comprehensive summary and original critique of modern macroeconomic approaches, the book reviews one school of economic thought in each chapter: Keynesian; monetarist; New Classical school; New Keynesian school; supply side macroeconomics; "non-monetary" models of macroeconomics; and real business cycle theory and the "structuralist school."

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