
Sexual Politics : an introduction.

By - Dunphy, Richard
ISBN 10 - 0748612475
ISBN 13 - 9780748612475
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Sex role
Shelf No - 14
common.call_no - 305.30973 DUN
Notes - Includes Index
Book Information
This introductory work offers an exploration of the theoretical approaches to the study of gender and sexuality, and a critical appraisal of contemporary debates within and between some of the main sexual politics movements. The arguments are illustrated with case studies that demonstrate the ways in which gender and sexuality have affected the political and public policy agendas in the UK in recent decades. The book is unique in drawing upon three research areas: feminist theory, lesbian and gay studies, and critical studies of masculinity. The author critiques queer theory and postfeminism and argues that the battle for sexual diversity must encompass the fight against male domination and gender inequalities.

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