
Software Engineering

By - Petitpierre, Claude
Floor - Floor 1
Published - EPFL Press
ISBN 10 - 0849391725
ISBN 13 - 9780849391729
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 7
Call Number - 005.1 PET
Book Information

Software Engineering: The Implementation Phase provides the conceptual foundation required for the design and development of complex distributed and real-time applications. It summarizes a large spectrum of concepts, enabling readability and ease of comprehension by concentrating on Java and presenting mainly the programmatic aspects and basic functioning. The idea behind this book is not to overwhelm the reader, but instead provide sufficient information for the creation of prototypes, covering most aspects of an application. This volume guides you to determine for yourself which is the best global architecture for an application: thin or thick client; direct database access or EJBs; listeners or multi-threading; etc. It also presents a number of architectures, namely sets of components, threads and links, around which the functionalities of the application may be built and checked incrementally. One of the strengths of this book is the availability of simple examples, which have all been carefully checked and are available at the book's website.

1st ed

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