
Spy Book: the encyclopedia of espionage

By - Polmar, Norman.
ISBN 10 - 0375720251
ISBN 13 - 9780375720253
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 15
common.call_no - 327.12 POL 2004
common.edition - 2nd ed.
common.physical_description - xxviii, 718 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Notes - Includes bibliographical references and index.
Book Information
The Spy Book uncovers the secrets and decodes the messages of the covert world of espionage. Over 2,000 entries on people, agencies, operations, and tools comprise this definitive work. Insiders Norman Polmar and Thomas Allen have unearthed files that have only recently been made available, including many from the KGB. This second edition includes the latest unveiled spies and situations, as well as new entries on the effects of espionage on literature, movies, television, and other media.

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