
Strangled Silence

By - Oisín. McGann
Floor - Floor 3
Published - Corgi, London, 2008
ISBN 10 - 0552558621
ISBN 13 - 9780552558624
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Conspiracies
Shelf No - 9
common.call_no - 823.92 MCG
common.physical_description - 438 pages ; 20 cm
Book Information
"When pretty, talented and very ambitious Amina Mir manages to land a newspaper work experience placement she thinks it might just be making coffee and following-up tame stories. But then, when by chance she s sent to interview Ivor MacMorris, a veteran of the war in Sinnostan who s just won millions on the lottery, but bizarrely hasn t spent a penny, things start to get interesting . . . and dangerous. Ivor thinks he s been made to forget what happened in Sinnostan. He believes false memories of how and why he lost an eye have been planted in his brain and that he s being followed by threatening faceless people. At first Amina thinks Ivor s suffering from some sort of post-traumatic stress disorder, but soon Ivor, conspiracy theorist Chi Sandwith and events persuade Amina that she could have stumbled into one of the biggest and most terrifying cover-ups ever."

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