
Study Guide for Structure & Function of the Body

By - Patton, Kevin T.
Floor - Floor 2
ISBN 10 - 0323394566
ISBN 13 - 9780323394567
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 6
common.call_no - 612 PAT
common.physical_description - 352 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm
Book Information
Learn to master the core terms, concepts, and processes of human anatomy and physiology! Corresponding to the chapters in Thibodeau and Patton's Structure & Function of the Body, 15th Edition, this engaging study guide contains variety of exercises, activities, and anatomy drawings to help you easily review, retain, and apply important A&P concepts! Brief synopsis of the core concepts from the textbook provides a comprehensive review of essential content. Diagrams, labeling exercises, and coloring exercises reinforce where the structures of the body are located. Crossword puzzles and word finds help readers master new vocabulary terms. Application questions ask readers to make judgments based on the information in the chapter. Matching and fill-in-the-blank exercises help readers better understand chapter content. Study tips in the preface provide insights on the most effective methods for learning and retaining information. Answers to exercises in the back of the book include references to the appropriate textbook page to give readers instant feedback. NEW! Updated art throughout enhances learning by presenting anatomy even more clearly.

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