
The Arab Lobby

By - Mitchell Geoffrey Bard
Floor - Floor 1
ISBN 10 - 0061987611
ISBN 13 - 9780061726019
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Lobbying
Shelf No - 15
common.call_no - 324.4089 BAR
common.physical_description - xix, 412 pages ; 24 cm
Notes - includes index
Book Information
While critics claim that a nefarious Israel Lobby dictates U.S. policy in the Middle East, the Arab Lobby in this country is older, richer, and more powerful than the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). The Arab Lobby is the first book in more than 25 years to investigate the scope and activities of this diffuse yet powerful network. Author Mitchell Bard courageously explores the invisible alliance that threatens Israel and undermines America’s interests in the Middle East.

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