
The Facts on File Dictionary of Chemistry

By - Daintith, John
ISBN 10 - 0816039097
ISBN 13 - 9780816039098
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 4
common.call_no - 540.3 DAI 1999
Book Information

Call number: 540.3 DAI 1999

3rd ed.

Physical description: 266 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Notes: includes index

"Revised and expanded, The Facts On File Dictionary of Chemistry, Third Edition, contains approximately 3,000 entries that explain, clearly and concisely, the techniques, materials, applications, and specialized uses of everyday chemical terms." "More than 250 new terms reflect modern chemical nomenclature and the most up-to-date information on properties of the elements. More than 50 line drawings illustrate many complex chemical structures, and extensive cross-references guarantee that no user will waste time searching for the right definition. Tables list physical constants, the characteristics of elementary particles, and other often consulted information."--Jacket

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