
The Haunting of L.

By - Norman, Howard A , Pracontal, Mona de
ISBN 10 - 0374168253
ISBN 13 - 9780374168254
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Photographers
Shelf No - 5
common.call_no - 813.54 NOR
common.physical_description - 326 pages ; 21 cm
Book Information
When Peter Duvett accepts a position as an assistant to the elusive portraitist Vienna Linn, his life is forever changed as he follows him on a macabre trek across Canada photographing grisly accidents for a private collector, a journey that leads to his employer's wife, who introduces him to the dark world of "spirit pictures"--photographs in which the faces of the long-dead mysteriously appear along with other horrifying images.

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