
The Lying Stones of Marrakech

By - Stephen Jay Gould
Floor - Floor 2
Published - Vintage, London, 2001
ISBN 10 - 0099285835
ISBN 13 - 9780099285830
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Natural history
Shelf No - 1
common.call_no - 508 GOU
common.physical_description - 372 pages : illustrations, facsimiles, map, portraits ; 20 cm
Notes - Includes indexes
Book Information
Stephen Jay Gould's writing remains the modern standard by which popular science writing is judged. Ever since the late 1970s up until till his death in 2002, his monthly essay in Natural History and his full-length books bridged the yawning gap between science and wider culture. In this fascinating new collection of essays from Natural History, Gould applied biographical perspectives to the illumination of key scientific concepts and their history, ranging from the origins of palaeontology to modern eugenics and genetic engineering. The essays brilliantly illuminate and elucidate the puzzles and paradoxes great and small that have fuelled the enterprise of science and opened our eyes to a world of unexpected wonders.

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