
The psychiatric interview in clinical practice

By - MacKinnon, Roger A , Michels, Robert
ISBN 10 - 072165973X
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 9
common.call_no - 616.8914 MAC
common.physical_description - xvii, 473 pages 25 cm
Notes - Includes Index.
Book Information

TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. General principles of the interview 2. General principles of psychodynamics 3. The obsessive patient 4. Hystercial patient 5. Phobic patient 6. The depressed patient 7. Schizophrenic patient 8. Paranoid patient 9. Sociopathic patient 10. organic brain syndrome patient 11. Psychosomatic patient 12. Ward consultation 13. The psychologically unsophisticated patient 14. Emergency patient 15. Role of the Telephone in the psychiatric interview

Open Book