
Troubleshooting and Repairing Computer Printers

By - Bigelow, Stephen J.
ISBN 10 - 007005732X
ISBN 13 - 9780070057326
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 18
common.call_no - 681.62 BIG 1996
Book Information

681.62 BIG 1996

2. ed

Notes: includes index

In this best-selling manual for electronics technicians, students, and advanced hobbyists, you will find complete up-to-date information on diagnosing and repairing today's popular impact, thermal, inkjet, and electrophotographic printers. With the help of new flowcharts and technical illustrations throughout, you will learn to troubleshoot and solve 150 specific printer problems, while gaining the experience to resolve many other malfunctions on your own. Complete coverage of printing under Windows and Windows 95 is included, as well as a coupon for a companion disk filled with essential troubleshooting tools.

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