
Understanding Medical-Surgical Nursing

By - Williams, Linda S , Hopper, Paula D
ISBN 10 - 0803640684
ISBN 13 - 9780803640689
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 6
common.call_no - 610.73 WIL 2015
common.edition - 5th ed
common.physical_description - xl, 1448 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 29 cm
Notes - including index
Book Information
Master the whys & hows of Medical-Surgical Nursing. Here's everything you need to know to care for adult medical-surgical patients and pass the NCLEX-PN®. Easy-to-understand guidance helps you confidently grasp the principles, concepts, and skills essential for practice. Rely on the Study Guide for Understanding Medical-Surgical Nursing for even more practice! Each chapter corresponds to a chapter in the text. You'll find critical-thinking exercises * matching and true/false tests * word scrambles * crosswords puzzles * vocabulary review exercises * and NCLEX-PN® style questions that will prepare you for classroom and professional success. Click here for a preview of the text and resources.

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