
Web database development .NET edition, step by step

By - Buyens, Jim.
ISBN 10 - 073561637X
ISBN 13 - 9780735616370
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 9
common.call_no - 005.758 BUY
common.physical_description - xii, 544 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.)
Book Information
The Microsoft .NET Framework is all about simplifying the exchange of data among applications across the Internet, regardless of operating system or back-end software. The step-by-step lessons in this easy-to-grasp tutorial detail the major .NET database technologies to demonstrate how to create powerful, flexible Web databases that can serve your needs today and scale for the future. You'll discover the background behind the latest Web database technologies--and see them in action with complete code samples. If you know how to use HTML, know something about databases, and want to integrate the two in the .NET era with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, this book is for you. Topics covered include: Getting started with Web databases Organizing your Web environment Introducing ASP.NET Introducing Web Forms Introducing Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Understanding database concepts and terms Accessing databases with ADO.NET Accessing the file system and graphics Running database queries Identifying visitors and sessions Updating databases Handling file uploads and pictures Creating and using XML Web services Tuning and debugging applications

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