
Writing in Sociology

By - Edwards, Mark Evan
ISBN 10 - 1412914248
ISBN 13 - 9781412914246
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Report writing
Shelf No - 2
common.call_no - 808.0663 EDW
common.physical_description - viii, 149 pages ; 23 cm
Notes - Includes Bibliographical References and Index.
Book Information
With humor and empathy, this handbook provides undergraduate and early-career graduate students guidance in sociological writing of all kinds. It offers unusual approaches to developing ideas into research questions, utilizing research literature, constructing research papers, and completing different kinds of course writing (including case studies, theory papers, and applied social science projects). The book is more targeted to the undergraduate or early-career graduate student struggling with a first research paper. By focusing on how to think about the goals and strategies implicit in each section of a writing project, this book provides accessible advice to novice sociological writers.

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