
Writing with Sources (2nd Edition)

By - Harvey, Gordon,
ISBN 10 - 087220944X
ISBN 13 - 9780872209442
Book Status - 3 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Report writing
Shelf No - 2
common.call_no - 808.042 HAR 2008
common.edition - 2nd
common.physical_description - iv, 81 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
Book Information
Developed for Harvard University's Expository Writing Program, "Writing with Sources" describes the main principles and methods of integrating and citing sources in scholarly work, and provides cogent guidance on avoiding the misuse of sources. This second edition has been updated throughout, and includes new material on the roles sources play in argument, on assessing the reliability of sources, and on attitudes about writing that can lead to plagiarism.

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