Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
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Shelf No : 2
N or M?
n or m?, floor 3 christie, agatha ( harpercollins, london, 1995 kriminal
Shelf No : 8
And Then There Were None
and then there were none, floor 3 christie, agatha st. martin's press, new york, ny, 2001 england--devon
Shelf No : 8
After the funeral
after the funeral, floor 3 christie, agatha, 1890-1976 black dog & leventhal publishers, new york, 2007 poirot, hercule (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 8
Murder on the Orient Express (Hercule Poirot Mysteries)
murder on the orient express (hercule poirot mysteries), floor 3 christie, agatha, berkeley books, new york, 2004 poirot, hercule (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 8
Hickory Dickory Dock
hickory dickory dock, floor 3 christie, agatha, 1890-1976 center point large print, thorndike, maine, 2013 poirot, hercule (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 8
And Then There Were None
and then there were none, floor 3 christie, agatha pocket books, new york, 1944, ©1967 english fiction
Shelf No : 8
The Big Four
the big four, floor 3 christie, agatha : bantam, toronto, 1986 poirot, hercule (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 8
An Autobiography
an autobiography, floor 3 christie, agatha harper, new york, n.y., 2011 christie, agatha, 1890-1976
Shelf No : 8
Sparkling Cyanide
sparkling cyanide, floor 3 christie, agatha collins, london, 2012 murder--investigation
Shelf No : 8
And Then There Were None
and then there were none, floor 3 christie, agatha, 1890-1976, bantam books, new york, 1983 england--devon
Shelf No : 2
The Listerdale mystery and other stories
the listerdale mystery and other stories, floor 3 christie, agatha harpercollinspublishers, london, 2016 detective and mystery stories, english
Shelf No : 8
The mirror crack'd
the mirror crack'd, floor 3 christie, agatha, 1890-1976 harpercollins, london, 2006 marple, jane (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 8
 The clocks
the clocks, floor 3 christie, agatha pocket books, new york, 1965, ©1963 detective and mystery fiction
Shelf No : 8
They do it with mirrors
they do it with mirrors, floor 3 christie, agatha, harper marple, jane (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 8
They Do it with Mirrors
they do it with mirrors, floor 3 christie, agatha collins, london, 2012 marple, jane (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 2
N or M?
n or m?, floor 3 christie, agatha bantam books, toronto, 1988 beresford, tommy (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 8
Destination Unknown
destination unknown, floor 3 christie, agatha, 1890-1976 collins for the crime club, london, 1977 detective and mystery stories,conspiracy
Shelf No : 8
And Then There Were None
and then there were none, floor 3 christie, agatha dodd, mead & company, new york, ©1966 england--devon--islands
Shelf No : 8
 Murder on the Orient Express
murder on the orient express, floor 3 christie, agatha black dog & leventhal publishers : distributed by workman pub. co., new york, [2006] private investigators
Shelf No : 8
After the Funeral
after the funeral, floor 3 christie, agatha, collins, london, 2012 private investigators
Shelf No : 2
Murder in Mesopotamia
murder in mesopotamia, floor 3 christie, agatha bantam books, toronto, 1985, ©1936 poirot, hercule (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 8
Miss Marple's final cases
miss marple's final cases, floor 3 christie, agatha, 1890-1976 harper, [place of publication not identified], 2010 marple, jane (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 8
The Witness for the Prosecution and Other Stories
the witness for the prosecution and other stories, floor 3 christie, agatha, 1890-1976,phelps, sarah dodd, mead, new york, [1985], ©1948 detective and mystery stories, english
Shelf No : 8
The Body in the Library
the body in the library, floor 3 christie, agatha harpercollins, new york, 2011 marple, jane (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 8
Cat Among the Pigeons
cat among the pigeons, floor 3 christie, agatha harpercollins, london, 2012 poirot, hercule (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 8
nemesis, floor 3 christie, agatha ulverscroft, leicester, 2010 marple, jane (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 8
 Partners in crime
partners in crime, floor 3 christie, agatha,berkley books signet, new york, 2000, ©1929 beresford, tommy (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 8
Ordeal by innocence
ordeal by innocence, floor 3 christie, agatha, ulverscroft, leicester, 2012 judicial error

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Managers as mentors : building partnerships for learning

Shelf No: 16

The threatening storm : the case for invading Iraq / Kenneth M. Pollack.

Shelf No: 5

Don't Jump to Solutions

Shelf No: 17

Law, war and crime : war crimes trials and the reinvention of international law

Shelf No: 18

Molecules of Emotion

Shelf No: 7

The tragedy of Yugoslavia : the failure of democratic transformation

Shelf No: 4

Taiwan's electoral politics and democratic transition : riding the third wave

Shelf No: 15

Organizing Europe : the institutions of integration

Shelf No: 18


Shelf No: 19

The Harcourt Brace Student Dictionary

Shelf No: 21

Selecting and managing electronic resources : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians

Shelf No: 9

A Reader in peace studies

Shelf No: 15


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