the fountas & pinnell benchmark assessment system 2. grades 3-8, levels l-z,
floor 1
fountas, irene c.
heinemann, portsmouth, nh, 2016
reading (elementary)
literacy notebook: world study: writing about reading,
floor 1
fountas, irene c.,pinnel, gay su
irene c. fountas and gay su pinnell, 2015
interactive writing,
floor 1
mccarrier, andrea,fountas, irene c.,pinnell, gay su
heinemann, portsmouth, nh, c2000
writing study and teaching (elementary)
the fountas & pinnell benchmark assessment system 1. grades k-2, levels a-n,
floor 1
fountas, irene c.
heinemann, portsmouth, nh, 2016
english language--composition and exercises--study and teaching (elementary)
when readers struggle : teaching that works,
floor 1
pinnell, gay su;,fountas, irene c.
heinemann, portsmouth, nh, 2009
lecture (première enfance)
word matters : teaching phonics and spelling in the reading/writing classroom,
floor 1
pinnell, gay su,fountas, irene c.,giacobbe, mary ellen
heinemann, portsmouth, nh, ©1998
reading--phonetic method