when justice is a game: unravelling wrongful convictions in canada.,
floor 1
maidment madonna r.
publisher:fernwood, black point, n.s., ©2009
evolution and the theory of games,
floor 2
maynard smith
cambridge university press, cambridge, 1982
game theory
the legal research manual: a game plan for legal research and analysis,
floor 1
wren, christopher g,wren, jill robinson
a-r editions, madison, wis., ©1986
legal research
power, politics, and organizational change : winning the turf game,
floor 2
buchanan, david a.
sage, los angeles, 2008
organizational change
cosmic catastrophes : supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and adventures in hyperspace,
floor 2
wheeler, j. craig
cambridge university press, cambridge, 2000
cambridge national level 1/2 sport science,
floor 2
murray, mike,howitt, ross,
hodder education, london, 2019
sports sciences
game theory, alive,
floor 2
karlin, anna r.,peres, y.
american mathematical society, providence, rhode island, 2017
game theory
mind games : american culture and the birth of psychotherapy,
floor 2
caplan, eric,
university of california press, berkeley, calif., ©1998
mental healing,psychotherapy--social aspects
quality games for trainers,
floor 2
marlene caroselli
mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1996
management games
mathematics education for a new era: video games as a medium for learning,
floor 1
devlin, keith j.
a k peters, natick, mass., ©2011
mathematical recreations,mathematics--study and teaching (elementary)
new ways in using communicative games in language teaching,
floor 1
shameem nikhat
alexandria, va, ©1999
educational games
game change,
floor 1
john heilemann,mark halperin
harper, new york, 2010
united states