evil star,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
thorndike press, waterville, me., 2006
point blank,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
philomel books, new york, 2002
raven's gate,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony,
scholastic press, new york, 2005
crocodile tears,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
philomel books, new york, n.y., ©2009
rider, alex (fictitious character)
eagle strike,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
penguin group (usa), new york, 2006, ©2003
pointe blanche,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
librairie générale française, paris, 2014
rider, alex (fictitious character)
the diamond brothers in the blurred man and i know what you did last wednesday,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
walker books, london, 2015
diamond brothers (fictitious characters)
the falcon's malteser,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
philomel books, new york, 2004
humorous stories
scorpia rising,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony, 1955-; overdrive, inc.
puffin books, new york, n.y., 2012
spy stories
the wickedly funny horowitz bumper boxset,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony,
walker books, london, 2015
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
philomel books, new york, ©2007
spy stories
point blanc,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
walker, london, 2001
schools,rider, alex (fictitious character),cloning
the devil and his boy,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony,
philomel books, new york, 2000
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
puffin, new york, 2006, ©2000
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
scholastic, new york, 2012, ©2007
spy stories
floor 3
horowitz, anthony,
philomel books, new york, 2005, ©2004
return to groosham grange,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony, 1955-
walker books, london, 2016
boarding schools
floor 3
horowitz, anthony,
scholastic press, new york, 2007
skeleton key,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
speak, an imprint of penguin group (usa), inc., new york, 2006
spy stories
ark angel,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
philomel books, new york, ©2006
skeleton key,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony,johnston, antony
walker, london, 2002
spy stories
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
walker books, london, 2012
eagle strike,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony,
walker books, london, 2015
rider, alex (fictitious character)
crocodile tears,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony,dalemans, frieda
walker books, london, ©2009
rider, alex (fictitious character)
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
walker books, london, 2008
spy stories
scorpia rising,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony, 1955-,overdrive, inc.
walker books, london, 2011
middle east
eagle strike,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
philomel books, new york, ©2003
rider, alex (fictitious character)
secret weapon,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
walker books, london, england, 2019
action and adventure fiction
evil star,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
scholastic press, new york, 2006
paranormal fiction
evil star,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
scholastic press, new york, 2006
paranormal fiction
scorpia rising,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
skeleton key,
floor 3
horowitz, anthony
scholastic, new york, ©2002
angleterre romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse