Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
  • Reference
  • Computer Science
  • Philosophy And Psychology
  • Religion
  • Social Sciences
  • Languages
  • Natural Science
  • Technology
  • Art And Creation
  • Literature
  • History And Geography
  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 19
Social and vocational rehabilitation resources: an international directory = Institutions de réadaptation sociale et professionnelle : répertoire international
social and vocational rehabilitation resources: an international directory = institutions de réadaptation sociale et professionnelle : répertoire international, floor 1 international labor office international labor office, geneve, 1984 rehabilitation directories

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Cost analysis in primary health care: a training manual for programme managers

Shelf No: 19

Ethiopia demographic and health survey, 2011 / Central Statistical Agency [and] ICF International.

Shelf No: 7

Calculus - Preliminary Edition

Shelf No: 2

Business Grammar and Practice (Oxford Business English)

Shelf No: 21

Proceedings of the Conference on African Conflicts : their management, resolution and post-conflict reconstruction held at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, 13-15 December 2000.

Shelf No: 19

Blood price & other stories / edited by Negussie Teffera & Zerihun Asfaw.

Shelf No: 7

The Real State of the Union: from the best minds in America, bold solutions to the problems politicians dare not address

Shelf No: 14

 Proceedings of the regional workshop on completed research activities, 10-13 June, 2019, Butajera, Ethiopia : soil and water management, and forestry / editors, Getahun Yakob, Shiferaw Boke.

Shelf No: 7

 Walk a mile: experiencing and understanding diversity in Canada

Shelf No: 14

Research paper writing principles and concepts

Shelf No: 20

Mayo Clinic on vision and eye health

Shelf No: 9

Harvard business review on managing uncertainty.

Shelf No: 17


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