everything's an argument with readings,
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a
boston, ma : bedford/st. martins, [2013]
persuasion (rhetoric)
everyone's an author,
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a.[et.al]
new york : w.w. norton & company, [2017]
english language--rhetoric.
the st. martin's handbook,
floor 1
lunsford, andrea a
bedford/st. martin's, boston, ©2008
academic writing handbooks, manuals, etc
the everyday writer : with exercises ,
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a., 1942-
boston : bedford/st. martin's, [2020]
english language--rhetoric--handbooks, manuals, etc.,english language--grammar--handbooks, manuals, etc.
everything's an argument : with readings / andrea a. lunsford, john j. ruszkiewicz, keith walters.,
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a
boston : bedford/st. martin's, c2004.
report writing--problems, exercises, etc.
everyone's an author,
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a/et...al
w.w. norton and co., new york, ©2013
easywriter ,
floor 1
lunsford, andrea a
bedford/st. martin's, macmillan learning, boston, 2020
academic writing
easywriter ,
floor 1
lunsford, andrea a
bedford/st. martin's, macmillan learning, boston, 2020
academic writing
everything's an argument,
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a., 1942,ruszkiewicz, john j., 1950,walters, keith, 1952-
bedford/st. martins, boston, ©2013
english language--rhetoric
the presence of others : voices and images that call for response,
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a.,ruszkiewicz john j.
st. martin's press, new york, ©1997
critical thinking
everything's an argument,
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a
bedford/st. martin's, boston, ©2001
english language--rhetoric
everyone's an author,
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a,(etal)
w.w. norton and co., new york, ©2013
everyone's an author : [with readings],
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a.,ede, lisa s.moss, beverly j.; papper, carole clark
w.w. norton & company, new york, 2017
english language--rhetoric,authorship
the everyday writer with exercises,
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a,matsuda, paul kei,tardy, christine m.
bedford/st. martin's, boston, 2016
writing in action,
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a
bedford/st. martin's, boston, ©2014
report writing
the everyday writer with exercises,
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a.,,matsuda, paul kei;,tardy, christine m.
bedford/st. martin's, boston, 2016
english language grammar
everyone's an author,
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a(etal)
w.w. norton & company, new york, 2017