an outline of american history,
floor 4
usis; gray, wood, 1905-; hofstadter, richard, 1916-1970; olson, keith w., 1931-
[distributed by the united states information service], [washington, d.c?], [1952]
united states
spss 12.0 guide to data analysis,
floor 1
norušis, m. j
prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., 2004
social sciences--computer programs
living with epilepsy,
floor 2
chadwick, david,usiskin, sue
vermillion, london, 1997
essentials of dental hygiene,
floor 2
cooper, mary danusis;,wiechmann, lauri
prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., 2005
cooper, mary danusis
an outline of american history,
floor 4
[u.s. dept. of state, office of international information programs], [washington, d.c.], [1994]
united states history
spss 6.1 guide to data analysis,
floor 1
marija j. norušis
prentice hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., [1995]
software documentation
transition mathematics,
floor 2
usiskin, zalman[et-al]
scott, foresman, glenview, ill
mathematics study and teaching (secondary)