who's afraid of web page design?,
floor 1
tapley, rebecca
morgan kaufmann, san diego
history's worst decisions and the people who made them,
floor 2
weir, stephen
new holland, london
decision making
statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics,
floor 2
salkind, neil j,frey, bruce b
statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics,
floor 2
salkind, neil j.
sage publications, thousand oaks, calif., ©2008
microsoft excel (computer file),statistics
foundations of rehabilitation counseling with persons who are blind or visually impaired,
floor 1
j. elton moore,william h. graves,jeanne boland patterson
afb press, new york, ©1997
rehabilitation counseling
careers for environmental types & others who respect the earth,
floor 1
fasulo, michael
vgm career books, chicago,
environmental sciences--vocational guidance
making medicines affordable: studying who initiatives,
floor 1
roy chaudhury, ranjit,gurbani, nirmal kumar
anshan ; anamaya, tunbridge wells, uk, new delhi, ©2005
developing countries
getting the whole story,
floor 1
gibbs, cheryl,warhover, tom
guilford press
reporters and reporting
who's afraid of schrodinger's cat,
floor 2
marshall i. n.; zohar danah
quill, new york, 1998, ©1997
science popular works
whole body healing : natural healing with movement, exercise, massage, and other drug-free methods,
floor 2
now i know who my comrades are,
floor 1
parker emily
sarah crichton books, new york, 2014
communist countries
statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics,
floor 2
neil j. salkind
sage publications, thousand oaks, ©2007