small business management,
floor 2
longenecker, justin g. (justin gooderl)
south-western college pub., cincinnati, ©2000
small business--management,new business enterprises--management
business communication,
floor 2
guffey, mary ellen,rhodes, kathleen
south-western college pub., cincinnati, ©2003
business communication,business writing
human resource management,
floor 2
mathis, robert l.
south-western college pub., cincinnati, ohio, ©2000
personnel management
floor 2
o'guinn, thomas c
south-western college pub., cincinnati, ©2000
economics for today,
floor 1
tucker b. irvin
south-western college publishing, cincinnati, ohio, ©2000
economic history
business communication,
floor 2
guffey, mary ellen
south-western college pub., cincinnati, ©2000
business communication
law for business,
floor 1
ashcroft, john d.
south-western college pub., cincinnati, oh, ©1996
united states
spreadsheet modeling and decision analysis,
floor 2
ragsdale, cliff t.
south-western college pub., cincinnati, ohio, ©1998
the modeling approach to decision making
managerial accounting : information for decisions,
floor 2
ingram, robert w,hill, john w,albright, thomas l
south-western college pub., australia, ©2001
managerial accounting
comparative economic systems,
floor 1
schnitzer martin; nordyke james w.
south-western college, cincinnati, ohio, 1999
comparative economics
international management : concepts & cases,
floor 2
phatak, arvind v.
south-western college pub., cincinnati, ohio, ©1997
competition, international
introductory econometrics : a modern approach,
floor 1
wooldridge, jeffrey m.
south-western college
introduction to managerial accounting,
floor 2
jiambalvo, james,
south-western college pub., cincinnati, ohio, ©1995
managerial accounting
business communication : a framework for success,
floor 2
south-western college pub
business communication
acp solutions manual for esstfor stats of bus and econ,
floor 2
anderson, david r,sweeney, dennis j;
south-western college
economics--statistical methods
business statistics,
floor 2
black, ken
south-western college, australia, 2001
commercial statistics.,career development
economics : a contemporary introduction,
floor 1
mceachern william a.
south-western college pub., cincinnati, ohio, ©1994
economics : making good choices,
floor 1
millman, don
south-western college pub., cincinnati, ohio
économie politique
floor 1
arnold, roger a.
south-western college pub., cincinnati, ohio, ©2001
economics, mathematical