communicating in business,
floor 2
wayne, f. stanford.
homewood, il : austen press ; burr ridge, ill. : irwin, c1994.
business communication.
cornerstone course /,
floor 2
compiled by william g. callarman.
boston : mcgraw-hill, 2001.
business communication.
the articulate executive : learn to look, act, and sound like a leader / granville n. toogood.,
floor 2
toogood, granville n.
new york : mcgraw-hill c1996.
business communication.
mastering business communication,
floor 2
woolcott, l. a.
london : macmillan, 1983.
business communication
closing the sale : a complete book on the art of selling,
floor 2
gay iii, ben.
new delhi : infinant books, 2007.
business communication.
mary ellen guffey's essentials of business communication,
floor 3
guffey, mary ellen.
mason, oh : thomson/south-western, c2007.
business writing.,english language--business,english. business communication.
manager's lifetime guide to the language of power,
floor 2
holtje, james.
paramus, n.j. : prentice hall, c1997.
business communication.
talking from 9 to 5 : how women's and men's conversational styles affect who gets heard, who gets credit, and what gets done at work,
floor 2
tannen, deborah.
new york : w. morrow, c1994.
business communication.
written communication for today's manager,
floor 2
jones, barbara s.
new york : lebhar-friedman books : chain store pub. corp., c1980.
business communication
reputation strategy and analytics in a hyper-connected world,
floor 2
foster, chris,
wiley, hoboken, new jersey, 2016
business & economics / business communication / general
look ahead,
floor 1
snow, peter
bbc english, london, 1994
business communication
communicating for results: a canadian student's guide, updated second edition,
floor 2
meyer, carolyn,
oxford university press, don mills, ontario, canada, 2013
business communication
systems and procedures for the modern office : a simulation approach,
floor 2
simon, judith c
regents/prentice hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., ©1993
business communication
contemporary business communication,
floor 2
r: ober, scot,
houghton mifflin company, boston, ©1992
business communication
business builder - intermediate teacher's modules 4 5 6 resource series,
floor 2
emmerson, paul
macmillan heinemann english language teaching, oxford, 1999
business communication--study and teaching (secondary)
business communication,
floor 2
guffey, mary ellen,rhodes, kathleen
south-western college pub., cincinnati, ©2003
business communication,business writing
contemporary business communication,
floor 2
ober, scot
houghton mifflin co., boston, ©2000
business communication
business communication strategies,
floor 2
monippally, matthukutty m
tata mcgraw-hill pub., new delhi, ©2001
business communication
business communications,
floor 1
: dumont, raymond a.,lannon, john m.
scott, foresman/little brown higher education, glenview, ill., ©1990
business communication
sura's effective business communication,
floor 2
sundararajan, narayanan
sura college of competition, chennai, 2005
business communication
powerful communication skills : how to communicate with confidence,
floor 2
mckenna colleen
viva books private limited, new delhi, 2003
business communication
the business communicator,
floor 2
swindle, robert e.
prentice-hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., ©1985
business communication
oral workplace communication,
floor 2
cheesebro, thomas
upper saddle river, n.j. : pearson/prentice hall, c2006.
business communication.
effective business communications,
floor 2
murphy, herta a.
new york : mcgraw-hill, c1976.
commercial correspondence.,business communication.
communicating at work: strategies for success in business and the professions,
floor 2
adler, ronald b
mcgraw-hill, new york, 2013
business communication
communicating at work,
floor 2
adler, ronald b. (ronald brian), 19
mcgraw-hill, new york, ©2010
business communication communication dans l'entreprise
communication skills,
floor 3
leena sen
prentice-hall of india, new delhi, 2004
business communication
writing that works,
floor 3
oliu, walter e,alred, gerald j,brusaw, charles t
bedford/st. martin's, boston, 2004
business communication
communicating for results,
floor 2
meyer, carolyn
oxford university press, don mills, ont., 2010
business communication
communicating for results : a canadian student's guide,
floor 2
meyer, carolyn, 1962-
oxford university press, don mills, ontario, 2017
business communication
business communication,
floor 2
guffey, mary ellen
south-western college pub., cincinnati, ©2000
business communication
persuasive presentations,
floor 2
geoffrey moss
vikas pub., new delhi, ©2004
business communication
essentials of business communication,
floor 3
guffey, mary ellen
south-western cengage learning, mason, oh, 2013
business communication
contemporary business communication,
floor 2
ober, scot
houghton mifflin company, boston, ©2000
business communication,communication in organizations
excellence in business communication,
floor 2
thill, john v.,bovée, courtland l.,cross, ava, 1951-
prentice hall, boston, ©2011
business communication
communication for management and secretarial students,
floor 2
van schalkwyk, m. j. (marlene j.)
[m.j. van schalkwyk] (11 danie theron st., parow north 7500), parow, 1996
business communication,communication in management
effective communication in business,
floor 2
wolf, morrisr,philip; aurner
south-western pub. co, cincinnati, [1974]
business communication
business communication: in person, in print, online,
floor 2
newman, amy
cengage learning, boston, ma, 2017
business communication
i see what you mean,
floor 2
whalen, d. joel
sage publications, thousand oaks, calif., ©1996
business communication
better business meetings,
floor 2
nelson, robert b.,economy, peter [author]
irwin professional pub., burr ridge, ill., ©1995
business communication
50 one-minute tips for better communication,
floor 2
bozek, phillip e.
crisp publications, los altos, calif., ©1991
business communication,business presentations
50 one-minute tips for better communication,
floor 2
bozek, phillip e
crisp publications, los altos, calif., ©1991
business communication
communicating in professional contexts : skills, ethics, and technologies,
floor 2
goodall, h. lloyd"
thomson/wadsworth, belmont, ca, ©2006
business communication
business communication today,
floor 2
bovée, courtland l
mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1995
business communication
communicating for results : a canadian student's guide,
floor 2
meyer, carolyn,
oxford university press, don mills, ontario, canada, 2014
business communication
excellence in business communication,
floor 2
thill, john v.;
pearson prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©2005
business communication
technical communication : process and product,
floor 3
gerson, sharon j.,,gerson, steven m.,,gerson, sharon j.
pearson, boston, 2017
business communication
communicating at work : strategies for success in business and the professions,
floor 2
adler, ronald b,elmhorst, jeanne marquardt,lucas, kristen
mcgraw-hill, new york, 2013
business communication,interpersonal communication
excellence in business communication,
floor 2
thill, john v.,bovée, courtland l.,cross, ava, 1951-
pearson canada, toronto, 2015
business communication
college english & communication,
floor 3
camp sue c.; satterwhite marilyn l.
glencoe/mcgraw-hill, new york, ©2002
business communication
contemporary business communication : from thought to expression,
floor 3
vesper, joan frantz
harpercollins college publishers, new york, ny, ©1993
business communication
business communications at work,
floor 2
satterwhite marilyn l.; olson-sutton judith
glencoe/mcgraw-hill, new york, n.y., ©2003
business communication
communicate with confidence!,
floor 2
booher, dianna daniels
mcgraw-hill, new york, 1994
oral communication,business communication
the seven secrets of effective business relationships : discover the power of friendship,
floor 2
haggai, john edmund
harpercollins, london, 1999
business communication
business communications : a cultural and strategic approach,
floor 2
rouse, sandra,rouse, michael j.
thomson learning, australia
business communication
floor 2
lehman, carol m/
business communication
integrated business communication,
floor 2
stuart, bonnye e.,sarow, marilyn s.
john wiley & sons, chichester, england, ©2007
business communication
communicating in business,
floor 2
sigband norman b
scott, foresman, glenview, ill., ©1981
business communication
business communication : concepts, cases and applications,
floor 2
chaturvedi, p. d
pearson, new delhi, ©2011
business communication
effective business communications,
floor 2
murphy, herta a.,peck, charles edwin,
mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1980
business communication,commercial correspondence
business communication : a framework for success,
floor 2
south-western college pub
business communication
business communication essentials,
floor 2
bovée, courtland l.
pearson, boston, c 2010
business communication
business and administrative communication,
floor 2
locker, kitty o
irwin, homewood, il, ©1989
business communication
excellence in business communication,
floor 2
thill, john v.; bovée, courtland l.; cross, ava
pearson prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©2007
business communication
edexcel gcse business 3: business and communications systems,
floor 2
hodder arnold, london, 2007
business communication
systems and procedures for the modern office,
floor 2
simon, judith c.,chaney, lillian h.
regents/prentice hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., ©1993
business communication,office practice,employees--rating of
business communication : building critical skills,
floor 2
kathryn braun,
mcgraw-hill, boston, mass., ©2001
business communication