Available Books

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  • Ethiopian Collection
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Shelf No : 12
GIS for Environmental Decision-Making
gis for environmental decision-making, floor 2 boca raton : crc press, c2008. environmental policy--decision making--equipment and supplies--congresses.
Shelf No : 11
The decision book : fifty models for strategic thinking
the decision book : fifty models for strategic thinking, floor 1 krogerus, mikael. london : profile books, 2017. decision making.,critical thinking.
Shelf No : 6
How doctors think
how doctors think , floor 2 groopman, jerome e. delhi : byword books, 2009. medicine--decision making.,medical logic.,physicians--psychology.
Shelf No : 16
Tough choices : the decision-making styles of America's top 50 CEOs / Warren J. Pelton, Sonja Sackmann, Robert Boguslaw.
tough choices : the decision-making styles of america's top 50 ceos / warren j. pelton, sonja sackmann, robert boguslaw., floor 2 pelton, warren j. homewood, il : dow jones-irwin, c1990. industrial management--united states--decision making.
Shelf No : 16
The Effective Executive
the effective executive, floor 2 drucker, peter f. new york : harper & row, 1985 executives--united states, decision making.
Shelf No : 16
Judgment calls : high-stakes decisions in a risky world
judgment calls : high-stakes decisions in a risky world, floor 2 mowen, john c. new york : simon & schuster, c1993. decision making.
Shelf No : 17
Strategic Management Cases
strategic management cases, floor 2 grigsby, david w. boston : wadsworth pub. co., c1993. strategic planning. decision making. industrial management--case studies.
Shelf No : 10
Blink The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
blink the power of thinking without thinking, floor 1 gladwell, malcolm new york : back bay books, 2007. decision making. intuition.
Shelf No : 10
"Yes" or "no" : the guide to better decisions
"yes" or "no" : the guide to better decisions, floor 1 johnson, spencer. new york, ny : harpercollins publishers, c1992 decision making--miscellanea.
Shelf No : 16
Whatever it takes : decision makers at work
whatever it takes : decision makers at work, floor 2 mccall, morgan w. englewood cliffs, n.j. : prentice-hall, c1985. decision making.
Shelf No : 15
Crucible of Beliefs: learning, alliances, and world wars
crucible of beliefs: learning, alliances, and world wars, floor 1 reiter, dan, ithaca, n.y. : cornell university press, 1996. international relations--decision making.
Shelf No : 15
Acceptable Risk
acceptable risk, floor 2 fischhoff baruch cambridge ; new york : cambridge university press, 1981] risk. risk management--decision making.
Shelf No : 15
Collective choice processes : a qualitative and quantitative analysis of foreign policy decision-making
collective choice processes : a qualitative and quantitative analysis of foreign policy decision-making, floor 1 gallhofer, irmtraud n. westport, conn. : praeger, 1997. international relations--decision making.
Shelf No : 18
Governments under stress : political executives and key bureaucrats in Washington, London, and Ottawa
governments under stress : political executives and key bureaucrats in washington, london, and ottawa, floor 1 campbell, colin toronto ; buffalo : university of toronto press, c1983. presidents--united states--decision making
Shelf No : 16
Harvard Business Essentials, Decision Making
harvard business essentials, decision making, floor 2 harvard business school press, boston, mass., ©2006 decision making
Shelf No : 15
Problem Representation in Foreign Policy Decision-Making
problem representation in foreign policy decision-making, floor 1 sylvan, donald a,voss, james f cambridge university press, cambridge, 1998 international relations--decision making
Shelf No : 18
One case at a time
one case at a time, floor 1 sunstein, cass r. harvard university press, cambridge, mass., 1999 decision making
Shelf No : 19
System in Crisis
system in crisis, floor 1 blendon, robert faulkner & gray ; healthcare information center, new york, washington, dc, ©1991 decision making
Shelf No : 19
Managing the environmental crisis
managing the environmental crisis, floor 1 henning, daniel h,mangun, william russell duke university press, durham, 1989 environmental policy--decision making
Shelf No : 16
Developing Decision-making Skills for Business
developing decision-making skills for business, floor 2 simon, julian lincoln, 1932-1998 m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., 2001 decision making
Shelf No : 19
Analytic Processes for School Leaders
analytic processes for school leaders, floor 1 richetti, cynthia t.,tregoe, benjamin b. association for supervision and curriculum development, alexandria, va., ©2001 school management and organization--decision making
Shelf No : 9
Decision making : an information sourcebook.
decision making : an information sourcebook., floor 1 balachandran, sarojini oryx press, phoenix, az, 1987 decision making
Shelf No : 16
Linear programming and decision making
linear programming and decision making, floor 2 narag, a. s. sultan chand, new delhi, 1984 decision making
Shelf No : 11
Smarter Faster Better
smarter faster better, floor 1 duhigg, charles random house, new york, 2017 decision making
Shelf No : 16
The effective executive
the effective executive, floor 2 drucker, peter f. harper & row, new york, 1967 decision making decision making
Shelf No : 15
Techniques for Project Appraisal Under Uncertainty
techniques for project appraisal under uncertainty, floor 2 reutlinger, shlomo [international bank for reconstruction and development]; distributed by the johns hopkins press, baltimore, [washington], [1970] decision making
Shelf No : 16
 The effective executive
the effective executive, floor 2 drucker, peter f. harper & row, new york, 1967 decision making
Shelf No : 16
Managerial economics; analysis for business decisions
managerial economics; analysis for business decisions, floor 2 hague, d. c. wiley, new york, [1969] decision making
Shelf No : 18
In or Out of the Military: How to Make Your Own Best Decision
in or out of the military: how to make your own best decision, floor 1 reardon d. f. pepper press, oak harbor, wash., ©1993 decision making,united states
Shelf No : 18
Prisoners of their premises : how unexamined assumptions lead to war and other policy debacles
prisoners of their premises : how unexamined assumptions lead to war and other policy debacles, floor 1 edwards, george c. the university of chicago press, chicago, 2022 political science--decision making
Shelf No : 11
Smart choices
smart choices, floor 1 hammond, john s., 1937,keeney, ralph l., 1944,raiffa, howard, 1924-2016 broadway books, new york, 2002 decision making
Shelf No : 11
 Developing decision-making skills for business
developing decision-making skills for business, floor 1 simon, julian lincoln m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., 2001 decision making
Shelf No : 11
The Art of Thinking Clearly
the art of thinking clearly, floor 1 dobelli, rolf, 1966- harper, new york, 2013 decision making
Shelf No : 16
Behavioral Game Theory: experiments in strategic interaction
behavioral game theory: experiments in strategic interaction, floor 1 camerer, colin russell sage foundation ; princeton university press, new york, n.y., princeton, n.j., ©2003 decision making
Shelf No : 16
Information Quality Assurance and Internal Control for Management Decision
information quality assurance and internal control for management decision, floor 2 kinney, william r. irwin/mcgraw-hill, boston, 2000 decision making
Shelf No : 16
The effective executive
the effective executive, floor 2 drucker, peter f. harper & row, new york, 1970 decision making
Shelf No : 16
How great decisions get made : 10 easy steps for reaching agreement on even the toughest issues
how great decisions get made : 10 easy steps for reaching agreement on even the toughest issues, floor 2 maruska, don prentice hall of india, new delhi, 2008 group decision making
Shelf No : 19
Against the Gods
against the gods, floor 1 bernstein, peter l. john wiley & sons, new york, ©1996 risk management,decision making
Shelf No : 15
Counting the Public In: presidents, public opinion, and foreign policy
counting the public in: presidents, public opinion, and foreign policy, floor 1 foyle, douglas c. columbia university press, new york, ©1999 presidents decision making
Shelf No : 11
 Blink : the power of thinking without thinking
blink : the power of thinking without thinking, floor 1 gladwell, malcolm, back bay books, new york, 2007 decision making,intuition
Shelf No : 11
Thinking, Fast and Slow
thinking, fast and slow, floor 1 kahneman, daniel new york : farrar straus giroux, 2012. decision making.,thought and thinking.,reasoning.
Shelf No : 16
Sources of Power : how people make decisions
sources of power : how people make decisions, floor 2 klein, gary a. mit press, cambridge, mass., 1999, ©1998 decision making
Shelf No : 17
 Managerial economics
managerial economics, floor 1 samuelson, william,marks, stephen g. john wiley and sons, hoboken, nj, ©2008 decision making
Shelf No : 16
Multi-criteria Decision Making Methods
multi-criteria decision making methods, floor 2 evangelos triantaphyllou kluwer academic publishers, dordrecht, 2000 multiple criteria decision making
Shelf No : 16
Decision making under uncertainty with RISKOptimizer
decision making under uncertainty with riskoptimizer, floor 2 winston, wayne l. palisade corp., newfield, n.y., 1999 microsoft excel (computer file),decision making--computer programs
Shelf No : 11
Overcoming Indecisiveness
overcoming indecisiveness, floor 1 rubin, theodore isaac harper & row, new york, ©1985 decision making
Shelf No : 18
Policy-making in the German Federal Bureaucracy
policy-making in the german federal bureaucracy, floor 1 renate mayntz,fritz wilhelm scharpf elsevier, amsterdam, 1975 public administration--decision making
Shelf No : 11
blink, floor 1 gladwell, malcolm little, brown and co., new york, 2005 decision making
Shelf No : 9
The Heart & Soul of Change
the heart & soul of change, floor 2 hubble, mark a.,,duncan, barry l.;,miller, scott d. american psychological association, washington, dc, ©1999 decision making
Shelf No : 11
Blink: the power of thinking without thinking
blink: the power of thinking without thinking, floor 1 gladwell, malcolm,,overdrive, inc. penguin, london, 2006, ©2005 decision making
Shelf No : 11
Thinking fast and slow
thinking fast and slow, floor 1 kahneman, daniel, 1934- new york : farrar, straus and giroux, [2011] thought and thinking.,decision making.,intuition.,reasoning.
Shelf No : 16
 Business analytics : data analysis and decision making
business analytics : data analysis and decision making, floor 2 albright s. christian; winston wayne l. cengage learning, stamford, ct, usa, 2015 decision making computer programs
Shelf No : 16
Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis
spreadsheet modeling and decision analysis, floor 2 ragsdale, cliff t. south-western college pub., cincinnati, ohio, ©1998 the modeling approach to decision making
Shelf No : 11
Predictably Irrational
predictably irrational, floor 1 ariely, dan,bar-hilel, gili harper, london, 2009 decision making
Shelf No : 16
Quantitative Methods for Decision Makers
quantitative methods for decision makers, floor 2 wisniewski, mik pitman, london, 1994 decision making--mathematical models,management science
Shelf No : 2
Argumentation and debate : critical thinking for reasoned decision making
argumentation and debate : critical thinking for reasoned decision making, floor 3 freeley, austin j.,steinberg, david l wadsworth pub. co., belmont, calif., ©2000 debates and debating,decision making
Shelf No : 6
Strategies, techniques, & approaches to thinking : critical thinking cases in nursing
strategies, techniques, & approaches to thinking : critical thinking cases in nursing, floor 2 martinez de castillo, sandra luz saunders elsevier, st. louis, mo, ©2010 nursing--decision making
Shelf No : 15
 Managerial accounting
managerial accounting, floor 2 stacey whitecotton,robert libby mcgraw-hill education, new york, ny, [2017] decision making,managerial accounting
Shelf No : 6
Harry S. Truman
harry s. truman, floor 4 egendorf, laura k greenhaven press, san diego, ©2002 united states,military policy decision making
Shelf No : 2
Practical mathematics : consumer applications
practical mathematics : consumer applications, floor 2 fredrick, marguerite m.;,holt, rinehart, and winston, inc;,harcourt brace & company holt, rinehart and winston, austin, 1993 consumers decision making
Shelf No : 6
 In some other life
in some other life, floor 3 brody, jessica farrar straus giroux, new york, 2017 decision making
Shelf No : 13
The RAND SLAM program
the rand slam program, floor 1 jacob alex klerman/et...al rand corp., santa monica, ca, 2008 military planning--computer programs,military planning--decision making
Shelf No : 19
The RAND SLAM program
the rand slam program, floor 1 jacob alex klerman/et...al rand corp., santa monica, ca, 2008 military planning--computer programs,military planning--decision making
Shelf No : 6
Harry S. Truman
harry s. truman, floor 4 egendorf, laura k. greenhaven press, san diego, ©2002 politics and government--decision making
Shelf No : 17
Operations management : decision making in the operations function
operations management : decision making in the operations function, floor 2 schroeder, roger g. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1981 production management,decision making
Shelf No : 16
Think Twice
think twice, floor 2 mauboussin, michael j., 1964- harvard business press, boston, massachusetts, 2009 decision making
Shelf No : 16
Strategic management of development programmes: guidelines for action
strategic management of development programmes: guidelines for action, floor 2 paul, samuel, international labour office, geneva, 1983 decision making
Shelf No : 15
Spatial Models of Parliamentary Voting
spatial models of parliamentary voting, floor 1 poole, keith t. cambridge ; new york : cambridge university press, 2005. legislative bodies--voting--decision making--mathematical models. social choice--mathematical models.
Shelf No : 16
The Effective Executive
the effective executive, floor 2 drucker, peter f. butterworth-heinemann, amsterdam, 2007 decision making,united states
Shelf No : 16
Simulation for decision making
simulation for decision making, floor 2 thesen, arne,travis, laurel e. west pub. co., st. paul, mn, ©1992 decision making--computer simulation
Shelf No : 16
Decision Making in Business
decision making in business, floor 2 maroun, jack roxbury, los angeles, calif decision making--mathematical models
Shelf No : 16
Investing in Information Technology
investing in information technology, floor 2 bysinger, bill; knight, kenneth wiley, new york, 1996 capital investments--decision making
Shelf No : 16
Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making
quantitative techniques for decision making, floor 2 gupta, m. p. phi learning private ltd., new delhi, 2011 decision making--mathematical models
Shelf No : 14
accounting, floor 2 cunningham, billie m.,nikolai, loren a,bazley, john d thomson/south-western, mason, ohio, ©2004 accounting,business planning.,business--decision making
Shelf No : 16
Judgment in managerial decision making
judgment in managerial decision making, floor 2 bazerman max h.; moore don a. j. wiley, hoboken, nj, ©2006 decision making
Shelf No : 3
statistics, floor 2 sullivan, michael, pearson, boston, ©2013 commercial statistics.,decision making
Shelf No : 7
 informed decisions using data
informed decisions using data, floor 1 sullivan, michael pearson prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©2007 decision making
Shelf No : 9
 Decision making in anesthesiology
decision making in anesthesiology, floor 2 bready, lois l,smith, r. brian decker anesthesia--decision making
Shelf No : 9
Clinical Decision-Making Study Guide for Medical-Surgical Nursing - Revised Reprint
clinical decision-making study guide for medical-surgical nursing - revised reprint, floor 2 ignatavicius, donna d,workman, m. linda elsevier saunders decision making
Shelf No : 16
History's Worst Decisions and the People who Made Them
history's worst decisions and the people who made them, floor 2 weir, stephen new holland, london decision making
Shelf No : 16
Manager's Manual
manager's manual, floor 2 jay, ros pearson education decision making

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

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Good Queen Bess

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Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

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A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

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The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Managers as mentors : building partnerships for learning

Shelf No: 16

The threatening storm : the case for invading Iraq / Kenneth M. Pollack.

Shelf No: 5

Don't Jump to Solutions

Shelf No: 17

Law, war and crime : war crimes trials and the reinvention of international law

Shelf No: 18

Molecules of Emotion

Shelf No: 7

The tragedy of Yugoslavia : the failure of democratic transformation

Shelf No: 4

Taiwan's electoral politics and democratic transition : riding the third wave

Shelf No: 15

Organizing Europe : the institutions of integration

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Shelf No: 19

The Harcourt Brace Student Dictionary

Shelf No: 21

Selecting and managing electronic resources : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians

Shelf No: 9

A Reader in peace studies

Shelf No: 15


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