Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
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Shelf No : 18
Democracy in the European Union
democracy in the european union, floor 1 eriksen erik oddvar [ed] london ; new york : routledge, 2000. european union. democracy.
Shelf No : 15
Democratization in Africa: challenges and prospects
democratization in africa: challenges and prospects, floor 1 hoboken,taylor and francis, 2012 democracy africa
Shelf No : 14
Ubuntu : the essence of democracy
ubuntu : the essence of democracy, floor 1 bhengu, mfuniselwa j. cape town : novalis press, 1996. ubuntu,democracy.
Shelf No : 15
Reconstructing the Third Wave of Democracy: comparative African democratic politics
reconstructing the third wave of democracy: comparative african democratic politics, floor 1 edozie, rita kiki. lanham : university press of america, [2009] democracy--africa.
Shelf No : 14
State building and democracy in Africa : a comparative and developmental approach
state building and democracy in africa : a comparative and developmental approach, floor 1 forje, john w. new york : nova science publishers, c2009. democracy--africa.
Shelf No : 15
Democratization in Africa : progress and retreat
democratization in africa : progress and retreat, floor 1 baltimore, md. : johns hopkins university press, 2010. democracy--africa.,africa--politics and government--1960-
Shelf No : 15
The Global Resurgence of Democracy
the global resurgence of democracy, floor 1 larry diamond baltimore : johns hopkins university press, c1996. democracy.
Shelf No : 5
Democracy and socialism in Sandinista Nicaragua
democracy and socialism in sandinista nicaragua, floor 4 vanden, harry e. boulder : l. rienner, 1993. frente sandinista de liberación nacional.,democracy--nicaragua.,socialism--nicaragua.,elections--nicaragua.,nicaragua--politics and government--1979-1990.
Shelf No : 15
The road to democracy in Iran
the road to democracy in iran, floor 1 ganjī, akbar. cambridge, mass. : mit press, c2008. democracy--iran.,human rights--iran.
Shelf No : 15
Chinese Democracy After Tiananmen
chinese democracy after tiananmen, floor 1 ding, yijiang. new york : columbia university press, 2002. democracy--china.
Shelf No : 15
China and democracy : the prospect for a democratic China
china and democracy : the prospect for a democratic china , floor 1 / edited by suisheng zhao. new york : routledge, 2000. democracy--china.,democratization--china.,china--politics and government--1976-2002.,china--politics and government--20th century.
Shelf No : 15
Central America : fragile transition /
central america : fragile transition / , floor 1 edited by rachel sieder. houndmills, basingstoke, hampshire and london : macmillan press ; new york, n.y. : st. martin's press, scholarly and reference division, 1996. democracy--central america.,central america--politics and government--1979-
Shelf No : 15
 Uncharted journey : promoting democracy in the Middle East
uncharted journey : promoting democracy in the middle east, floor 1 / thomas carothers, marina ottaway, editors. washington, d.c. : carnegie endowment for international peace : brookings institution press, distributor, c2005. democracy--middle east.
Shelf No : 15
State-building : a comparative study of Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, and Russia / Verena Fritz.
state-building : a comparative study of ukraine, lithuania, belarus, and russia / verena fritz., floor 1 fritz, verena. budapest ; new york : central european university press, 2007. democracy--former soviet republics.
Shelf No : 14
The first Chinese democracy : political life in the Republic of China on Taiwan
the first chinese democracy : political life in the republic of china on taiwan, floor 1 chao, linda baltimore, md. : johns hopkins university press, c1998. democracy--china.,china--politics and government--1976-2002.
Shelf No : 15
Democracy and dictatorship in Ghana and Tanzania
democracy and dictatorship in ghana and tanzania, floor 1 pinkney, robert. new york : st. martin's press, 1997. democracy--ghana.
Shelf No : 3
Forging Democracy
forging democracy, floor 4 eley, geoff. oxford ; new york : oxford university press, 2002. communism--europe--history.,socialism--europe--history.,democracy--europe--history.
Shelf No : 15
Democracy's edges
democracy's edges, floor 1 shapiro,ian.[ed] london ; new york : cambridge university press, 1999. democracy--congresses.
Shelf No : 15
Democracy, nationalism, and communalism : the colonial legacy in South Asia
democracy, nationalism, and communalism : the colonial legacy in south asia, floor 1 barlas, asma. boulder, colo. : westview press ; lahore, pakistan : pak book corp., 1995. democracy--south asia.
Shelf No : 6
Democracy in the Caribbean : political, economic, and social perspectives
democracy in the caribbean : political, economic, and social perspectives, floor 4 jorge i. domínguez, robert a. pastor, [ed] baltimore : johns hopkins university press, c1993. democracy--caribbean area.
Shelf No : 15
Deliberative democracy
deliberative democracy, floor 1 valadez, jorge m. boulder, colo. : westview press, 2001. representative government and representation.,deliberative democracy.
Shelf No : 4
Challenges to Democracy in the Middle East
challenges to democracy in the middle east, floor 4 harriswilliam ... [et al.]. princeton, n.j. : markus wiener publishers, c1997 democracy--middle east.
Shelf No : 15
Constructing democratic governance : Latin America and the Caribbean in the 1990s
constructing democratic governance : latin america and the caribbean in the 1990s, floor 1 domínguez jorge i.,lowenthal. abraham f. [ed] baltimore, md : johns hopkins university press, 1996 democracy--latin america.
Shelf No : 14
Sowing the seeds of democracy in China : political reform in the Deng Xiaoping era
sowing the seeds of democracy in china : political reform in the deng xiaoping era, floor 1 goldman, merle cambridge, mass. : harvard university press, 1994. democracy--china.
Shelf No : 14
Democracy in East Asia
democracy in east asia, floor 1 editor larry diamond and plattner marc f baltimore : johns hopkins university press, 1998. democracy--east asia.
Shelf No : 15
A democratic South Africa?
a democratic south africa?, floor 1 donald l. horowitz berkeley : university of california press, c1991. democracy.
Shelf No : 15
Democracy's Place
democracy's place, floor 1 shapiro ian cornell univerity, london,1996 democracy
Shelf No : 15
Politics of military rule and the dilemmas of democratization in Bangladesh
politics of military rule and the dilemmas of democratization in bangladesh , floor 1 kabir, bhuian md. monoar. new delhi : south asian publishers, c1999. democracy.
Shelf No : 17
Africa and the New World Order
africa and the new world order, floor 1 ihonvbere, julius omozuanvbo. new york : peter lang, c2000. democracy--africa.
Shelf No : 17
Why Africa is Poor: And What Africans Can Do About It
why africa is poor: and what africans can do about it, floor 1 mills greg penguin, johannesburg, 2011 democracy africa
Shelf No : 13
Identity/difference : democratic negotiations of political paradox
identity/difference : democratic negotiations of political paradox, floor 1 connolly, william e cornell university press, ithaca, n.y., 1991 democracy,difference (philosophy)
Shelf No : 19
A Different Kind of Politics
a different kind of politics, floor 1 derek wai ming barker kettering foundation press, dayton, ohio, ©2009 democracy and education
Shelf No : 15
The politics of freedom
the politics of freedom, floor 1 cassinelli, c. w. university of washington press, seattle, 1961 [i.e. 1962] democracy
Shelf No : 14
The Cultural Dynamics of Democratization in Spain
the cultural dynamics of democratization in spain, floor 1 : mcdonough, peter, cornell university press, ithaca, 1998 democracy public opinion
Shelf No : 14
The Challenge of Democracy
the challenge of democracy, floor 1 janda, kenneth;,et.al houghton mifflin co., boston, ©2004 democracy united states textbooks
Shelf No : 15
African Governance Report Ii 2009
african governance report ii 2009, floor 1 united nations economic commission for africa africa government democracy political reforms
Shelf No : 15
 Participatory democracy vs. elitist democracy
participatory democracy vs. elitist democracy , floor 1 nylen, william r palgrave macmillan, new york, 2003 democracy
Shelf No : 15
Democracy On Trial
democracy on trial, floor 1 elshtain, jean bethke, new york : basicbooks, a division of harper collins, c1995. democracy united states
Shelf No : 15
The Kuomintang and the democratization of Taiwan
the kuomintang and the democratization of taiwan, floor 1 hood, steven j. westviewpress, boulder, colo., ©1997 democracy
Shelf No : 15
Democracy in Modern Spain
democracy in modern spain, floor 1 gunther, richard; yale university press, new haven, 2004 democracy
Shelf No : 13
"Dear Josie" : witnessing the hopes and failures of democratic education
"dear josie" : witnessing the hopes and failures of democratic education, floor 1 featherstone, liza teachers college press, new york, ©2003 democracy study and teaching
Shelf No : 15
The Jewish State : a century later
the jewish state : a century later, floor 1 dowty, ala university of california press, berkeley, ©1998 democracy
Shelf No : 15
Reflections of a Radical Moderate
reflections of a radical moderate, floor 1 richardson, elliot l. pantheon books, new york, 1996 democracy united states
Shelf No : 15
The Taming of Democracy Assistance
the taming of democracy assistance, floor 1 bush, sarah sunn, cambridge university press, cambridge, 2015 democracy
Shelf No : 20
The politics of education : conflict and consensus on Capitol Hill
the politics of education : conflict and consensus on capitol hill, floor 1 brademas, john university of oklahoma press, norman, ©1987 democracy
Shelf No : 6
 Lincoln on democracy : his own words, with essays by America's foremost historians
lincoln on democracy : his own words, with essays by america's foremost historians, floor 4 lincoln abraham harpercollins, new york, 1991, ©1990 democracy lincoln, abraham,
Shelf No : 13
Democratizing Development: The Role of Voluntary Organizations
democratizing development: the role of voluntary organizations , floor 1 clark, john west hartford, conn., usa : kumarian press, 1991.,earthscan publications, london, 1995 non-governmental organizations--developing countries.,democracy
Shelf No : 15
Silencing the Guns in Haiti
silencing the guns in haiti, floor 1 stotzky, irwin p. university of chicago press, chicago, 1998 democracy
Shelf No : 15
The Crisis of Democratic Representation in the Andes
the crisis of democratic representation in the andes, floor 1 mainwaring, scott stanford university press, stanford, calif., 2006 democracy andes region
Shelf No : 15
Escape from Freedom
escape from freedom, floor 1 fromm erich holt, 1941 democracy
Shelf No : 17
The Political Economy of Democratic Transitions
the political economy of democratic transitions, floor 1 haggard, stephan princeton university press, princeton, n.j., 1995 democracy
Shelf No : 14
Gay Marriage and Democracy
gay marriage and democracy, floor 1 snyder, r. claire, 1965- rowman & littlefield publishers, lanham, md., ©2006 biographies democracy democracy united states
Shelf No : 18
Democracy, Sovereignty and the European Union
democracy, sovereignty and the european union, floor 1 newman, michael st. martin's press, new york, 1996 democracy european union countries
Shelf No : 15
Democratization in South Africa: the elusive social contract
democratization in south africa: the elusive social contract, floor 1 sisk, timothy d. princeton university press, princeton (n.j.), ©1995 democracy south africa,social contract
Shelf No : 3
Dark Continent
dark continent, floor 4 mazower, mark a.a. knopf, new york, 1998 democracy
Shelf No : 15
Democracy Matters
democracy matters, floor 1 west, cornel the penguin press, new york, 2004 democracy
Shelf No : 19
Democracy, Education, and the Schools
democracy, education, and the schools, floor 1 soder, roger jossey-bass, san francisco, c1996 democracy--study and teaching
Shelf No : 19
Democracy and the environment : problems and prospects
democracy and the environment : problems and prospects, floor 1 lafferty, william m. ;,meadowcroft, james (eds.) edward elgar, cheltenham, uk, ©1996 democracy and environmentalism,environmental policy--citizen participation
Shelf No : 14
The Narrow Corridor
the narrow corridor, floor 1 acemoglu daron; robinson penguin press, new york, 2019 direct democracy
Shelf No : 15
Why Politics Matters
why politics matters, floor 1 stoker, gerry palgrave macmillan, houndmills [england], 2006 democracy
Shelf No : 15
Democracy in Question
democracy in question, floor 1 keenan, alan stanford university press, stanford, calif., 2003 democracy
Shelf No : 14
The End of Karma
the end of karma, floor 1 sengupta, somini w.w. norton & company, independent publishers since 1923, new york, 2016 women and democracy
Shelf No : 14
Local Democracy and Local Government
local democracy and local government, floor 1 pratchett, lawrence macmillan press in association with cld ltd., basingstoke, hampshire, 1996 democracy
Shelf No : 15
Ethiopia: the challenge of democracy from below
ethiopia: the challenge of democracy from below, floor 1 bahru zewde; pausewang siegfried /editores/ forum for social studies, uppsala, addis ababa, 2002 democracy ethiopia
Shelf No : 15
Constitutionalism and democracy
constitutionalism and democracy, floor 1 elster, jon,fondation maison des sciences de l'homme (paris, france) cambridge university press, cambridge [england], 1993 democracy
Shelf No : 1
 Jihad vs. McWorld
jihad vs. mcworld, floor 4 barber, benjamin r., ballantine books, new york, ©2001 social values,democracy
Shelf No : 13
Authority and Democracy
authority and democracy, floor 1 april carter routledge & k. paul, london, 1979 democracy
Shelf No : 4
Democracy in Iran:History and the Quest for Liberty
democracy in iran:history and the quest for liberty, floor 4 gheissari, ali,nasr, seyyed vali reza oxford university press, oxford, 2006 democracy
Shelf No : 15
Can democracy work
can democracy work, floor 1 miller, jim, farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2018 democracy
Shelf No : 15
Issues in Democratic Consolidation: the new South American democracies in comparative perspective
issues in democratic consolidation: the new south american democracies in comparative perspective, floor 1 mainwaring, scott,;,o'donnell, guillermo a.;,valenzuela, j. samuel (eds.) university of notre dame press, notre dame, ind., ©1992 democracy south america history 20th century,politics and government
Shelf No : 20
Education and Democracy
education and democracy, floor 1 kelly, a. v. p. chapman, london, ©1995 democracy
Shelf No : 15
The new struggle for democracy in Africa
the new struggle for democracy in africa, floor 1 wiseman, john a. avebury, aldershot, hants, england, ©1996 democracy
Shelf No : 15
democracy, floor 1 albert weale palgrave macmillan, basingstoke, 2007 democracy
Shelf No : 13
Media and Democracy in South Africa
media and democracy in south africa, floor 1 duncan, jane;,mandla seleoane (eds.) hsrc and fxi, pretoria, ©1998 mass media--political aspects,democracy south africa
Shelf No : 13
The Third Wave
the third wave, floor 1 samuel p. huntington university of oklahoma press, norman, 1991 democracy
Shelf No : 15
On Democracy
on democracy, floor 1 dahl, robert a yale university press, new haven, 1998 democracy
Shelf No : 15
Fear's Empire: War, Terrorism, and Democracy
fear's empire: war, terrorism, and democracy, floor 1 barber, benjamin r., w.w. norton & co., new york, ©2004 united states,democracy
Shelf No : 19
The struggle for ecological democracy
the struggle for ecological democracy , floor 1 guilford press, new york, ©1998 democracy and environmentalism
Shelf No : 19
The struggle for ecological democracy
the struggle for ecological democracy , floor 1 guilford press, new york, ©1998 democracy and environmentalism
Shelf No : 15
Elusive Reform : democracy and the rule of law in Latin America
elusive reform : democracy and the rule of law in latin america, floor 1 ungar, mark l. rienner publishers, boulder, 2002 democracy latin america
Shelf No : 18
Human Rights, Equality and Democratic Renewal in Northern Ireland
human rights, equality and democratic renewal in northern ireland, floor 1 harvey, colin j. /editore/ hart, oxford, 2001 democracy northern ireland
Shelf No : 13
 Mass media, politics, and democracy
mass media, politics, and democracy, floor 1 street, john palgrave macmillan, houndmills, basingstoke, hampshire, 2011 democracy,mass media--political aspects
Shelf No : 17
 Economic reform and democracy
economic reform and democracy, floor 1 diamond, larry jay,plattner, marc f johns hopkins university press, baltimore, ©1995 democracy
Shelf No : 14
The Origins of Political Order
the origins of political order, floor 1 fukuyama, francis profile books, london, 2011 democracy
Shelf No : 20
 Education as civic engagement : toward a more democratic society
education as civic engagement : toward a more democratic society, floor 1 gary a. olson, lynn worsham /editores/ publisher:palgrave macmillan, new york, 2012 united states,democracy and education,civics--study and teaching (higher),education, higher--political aspects
Shelf No : 14
 Swiss democracy : possible solutions to conflict in multicultural societies
swiss democracy : possible solutions to conflict in multicultural societies, floor 1 linder, wolf macmillan democracy
Shelf No : 14
The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in Global Politics (Book Only)
the challenge of democracy: american government in global politics (book only), floor 1 janda, kenneth [et-al] cengage learning, boston, ma, ©2016 politics and government,democracy
Shelf No : 15
Democracy and human rights
democracy and human rights, floor 1 beetham, david polity press ; blackwell publishers, cambridge, uk, oxford, uk, 1999 democracy
Shelf No : 15
Triangulating peace : democracy, interdependence, and international organizations
triangulating peace : democracy, interdependence, and international organizations, floor 1 russett, bruce m. norton, new york, ©2001 democracy--developing countries.
Shelf No : 15
Disaffected Democracies
disaffected democracies, floor 1 pharr, susan j. [editor; other] princeton university press democracy--developing countries.
Shelf No : 15
democracy, floor 1 fitzpatrick, anne creative company, mankato, mn, [2016] democracy
Shelf No : 13
Mass Media, Politics and Democracy
mass media, politics and democracy, floor 1 street, john palgrave macmillan, houndmills, basingstoke, hampshire, 2011 mass media--political aspects,democracy
Shelf No : 15
Democracy and Human Rights
democracy and human rights, floor 1 beetham polity press ; blackwell publishers, cambridge, uk, oxford, uk, 1999 democracy
Shelf No : 16
Democracy in the Third World
democracy in the third world, floor 1 pinkney, robert new delhi : viva books pvt. ltd., 2004. democracy--developing countries.

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

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Disney Princess Story Collection

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Good Queen Bess

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Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

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How do dinosaurs go up and down

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A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

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The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

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A Cheese-colored Camper

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The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

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Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Boosting immunity : creating wellness naturally / Len Saputo, Nancy Faass, editors.

Shelf No: 9

Introduction to hydrogeology

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 A childhood adrift / René Goldman.

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 Auditing : incorporating companies (amendment) act, 2000

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 Wisdom of aging / Dora Obi Chizea

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The U.S. military response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake : considerations for Army leaders / Gary Cecchine ... [et al.].

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African report on child wellbeing

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Ethiopian tax accounting : principles and practice.

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Using sources effectively : strengthening your writing and avoiding plagiarism

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 Infectious disease : medical knowledge self-assessment program, MKSAP 15

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User' s guide : peachtree complete & peachtree complete plus : release 6

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Fifty year of fiscal federalism

Shelf No: 17


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