classroom assessment,
floor 1
russell, michael k
dubuque, iowa : mcgraw-hill, 2012.
educational tests and measurements--united states. academic achievement--united states--testing. education--united states--evaluation.
assessment in early childhood education,
floor 1
wortham, sue clark,
boston : pearson, c2012.
educational tests and measurements--united states. psychological tests for children--united states.
assessment is essential ,
floor 1
green, susan k.
boston : mcgraw-hill higher education, c2010.
educational tests and measurements.
educational testing and measurement : classroom application and practice,
floor 1
kubiszyn, tom
wiley, new york, ©2000
educational tests and measurements
classroom assessment : principles and practice for effective instruction,
floor 1
mcmillan, james h.
allyn and bacon, boston, ©1997
educational tests and measurements
the death and life of the great american school system,
floor 1
ravitch, diane
basic books, new york, 2010
educational tests and measurements
short-cycle assessment,
floor 1
lang, susan,stanley, todd,moore, betsy
eye on education, larchmont, ny, 2008
educational tests and measurements
assessment in the mathematics classroom,
floor 2
webb, norman
national council of teachers of mathematics, reston, va., ©1993
educational tests and measurements
assessing preschool literacy development: informal and formal measures to guide instruction,
floor 1
enz, billie;,morrow, lesley mandel
international reading association, newark, del., ©2009
educational tests and measurements
measurement and evaluation in teaching,
floor 1
gronlund, norman edward;,linn, robert l.
macmillan ; collier macmillan, new york, london, ©1990
educational tests and measurements
the literacy map,
floor 1
gentry, j. richard
mondo, new york, n.y., ©2000
educational tests and measurements
classroom assessment : what teachers need to know,
floor 1
w. james popham
pearson education, inc., boston, ma, ©2011
educational tests and measurements
new gre 2011-2012 premier with cd-rom,
floor 1
kaplan, inc
kaplan pub., new york, ©2011
educational tests and measurements
making classroom assessment work,
floor 1
avies, anne, 1955-
connections pub., merville, b.c., 2000
educational tests and measurements
measurement and evaluation in education and psychology,
floor 1
mehrens, william a.; lehmann, irvin j.
holt, rinehart and winston, new york, [1973]
educational tests and measurements
how to assess your students,
ground floor
grevatt, andrew
oxford university press, oxford, united kingdom, 2018
educational tests and measurements