Available Books

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Shelf No : 19
Classroom Assessment
classroom assessment, floor 1 russell, michael k dubuque, iowa : mcgraw-hill, 2012. educational tests and measurements--united states. academic achievement--united states--testing. education--united states--evaluation.
Shelf No : 20
Assessment in Early Childhood Education
assessment in early childhood education, floor 1 wortham, sue clark, boston : pearson, c2012. educational tests and measurements--united states. psychological tests for children--united states.
Shelf No : 20
Assessment is essential
assessment is essential , floor 1 green, susan k. boston : mcgraw-hill higher education, c2010. educational tests and measurements.
Shelf No : 19
Educational testing and measurement : classroom application and practice
educational testing and measurement : classroom application and practice, floor 1 kubiszyn, tom wiley, new york, ©2000 educational tests and measurements
Shelf No : 19
Classroom assessment : principles and practice for effective instruction
classroom assessment : principles and practice for effective instruction, floor 1 mcmillan, james h. allyn and bacon, boston, ©1997 educational tests and measurements
Shelf No : 19
The Death and Life of the Great American School System
the death and life of the great american school system, floor 1 ravitch, diane basic books, new york, 2010 educational tests and measurements
Shelf No : 17
Short-cycle Assessment
short-cycle assessment, floor 1 lang, susan,stanley, todd,moore, betsy eye on education, larchmont, ny, 2008 educational tests and measurements
Shelf No : 1
Assessment in the mathematics classroom
assessment in the mathematics classroom, floor 2 webb, norman national council of teachers of mathematics, reston, va., ©1993 educational tests and measurements
Shelf No : 20
Assessing Preschool Literacy Development: informal and formal measures to guide instruction
assessing preschool literacy development: informal and formal measures to guide instruction, floor 1 enz, billie;,morrow, lesley mandel international reading association, newark, del., ©2009 educational tests and measurements
Shelf No : 19
Measurement and evaluation in teaching
measurement and evaluation in teaching, floor 1 gronlund, norman edward;,linn, robert l. macmillan ; collier macmillan, new york, london, ©1990 educational tests and measurements
Shelf No : 20
The Literacy Map
the literacy map, floor 1 gentry, j. richard mondo, new york, n.y., ©2000 educational tests and measurements
Shelf No : 19
Classroom assessment : what teachers need to know
classroom assessment : what teachers need to know, floor 1 w. james popham pearson education, inc., boston, ma, ©2011 educational tests and measurements
Shelf No : 20
New GRE 2011-2012 Premier with CD-ROM
new gre 2011-2012 premier with cd-rom, floor 1 kaplan, inc kaplan pub., new york, ©2011 educational tests and measurements
Shelf No : 19
 Making classroom assessment work
making classroom assessment work, floor 1 avies, anne, 1955- connections pub., merville, b.c., 2000 educational tests and measurements
Shelf No : 19
Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology
measurement and evaluation in education and psychology, floor 1 mehrens, william a.; lehmann, irvin j. holt, rinehart and winston, new york, [1973] educational tests and measurements
Shelf No : 1
How to Assess Your Students
how to assess your students, ground floor grevatt, andrew oxford university press, oxford, united kingdom, 2018 educational tests and measurements

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Boosting immunity : creating wellness naturally / Len Saputo, Nancy Faass, editors.

Shelf No: 9

Introduction to hydrogeology

Shelf No: 4

 A childhood adrift / René Goldman.

Shelf No: 3

 Auditing : incorporating companies (amendment) act, 2000

Shelf No: 18

 Wisdom of aging / Dora Obi Chizea

Shelf No: 10

The U.S. military response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake : considerations for Army leaders / Gary Cecchine ... [et al.].

Shelf No: 19

African report on child wellbeing

Shelf No: 1

Ethiopian tax accounting : principles and practice.

Shelf No: 7

Using sources effectively : strengthening your writing and avoiding plagiarism

Shelf No: 1

 Infectious disease : medical knowledge self-assessment program, MKSAP 15

Shelf No: 9

User' s guide : peachtree complete & peachtree complete plus : release 6

Shelf No: 14

Fifty year of fiscal federalism

Shelf No: 17


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