Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
  • Reference
  • Computer Science
  • Philosophy And Psychology
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  • Art And Creation
  • Literature
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  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 11
Integrated electronics: analog and digital circuits and systems
integrated electronics: analog and digital circuits and systems, floor 2 millman, jacob, 1911- new delhi : tata mcgraw-hill, 1991, c1972. integrated circuits.,digital electronics.,electronic analog computers--circuits.
Shelf No : 1
Electronics math
electronics math, floor 2 deem, bill r. upper saddle river, n.j. : prentice hall, c2000. electronics--mathematics.
Shelf No : 10
Basic eElectrical & electronics engineering
basic eelectrical & electronics engineering, floor 2 kumar, k. murugesh new delhi : vikas publishing house, 1999 electrical engineering.,electronics.
Shelf No : 11
Feedback loop stability analysis
feedback loop stability analysis, floor 2 friauf, walter s. new york : mcgraw-hill, c1998. electronic circuit design.,feedback (electronics),feedback control systems.
Shelf No : 11
Feedback loop stability analysis
feedback loop stability analysis, floor 2 friauf, walter s. new york : mcgraw-hill, c1998. electronic circuit design.,feedback (electronics),feedback control systems.
Shelf No : 10
Principles of Power Electronics
principles of power electronics, floor 2 kassakian, john g. reading, mass. : addison-wesley, c1991. power electronics.
Shelf No : 15
Digital Fundamentals
digital fundamentals, floor 2 floyd, thomas l. columbus, ohio : merrill, c1990. digital electronics.
Shelf No : 6
The Chipmakers
the chipmakers , floor 2 time-life books/et...al/ time-life books, alexandria,1988 microelectronics
Shelf No : 10
Electronic Engineering Materials and Devices
electronic engineering materials and devices, floor 2 allison, john mcgraw-hill, london, [1971] electronics--materials
Shelf No : 6
 Digital technology : principles and practices
digital technology : principles and practices, floor 2 williams, gerald earl science research associates, chicago, ©1982 digital electronics
Shelf No : 6
Digital Fundamentals
digital fundamentals, floor 2 floyd, thomas l. prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©1994 digital electronics
Shelf No : 6
 Electronics : a first course
electronics : a first course, floor 2 newnes, amsterdam, 2006 electronics
Shelf No : 6
Practical digital electronics for technicians
practical digital electronics for technicians , floor 2 kimber, will. oxford ; boston : newnes, 1997. digital electronics.
Shelf No : 10
electronics engineering
electronics engineering, floor 2 gupta, j. b. s.k. kataria & sons, new delhi, 2009 electronics
Shelf No : 11
Materials and Devices for Electrical Engineers and Physicists
materials and devices for electrical engineers and physicists, floor 2 colclaser, roy a.,diehl-nagle, sherra mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1985 electronics--materials
Shelf No : 6
Basic electronics
basic electronics, floor 2 tayal.c.d (ed) mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1984 electronics
Shelf No : 11
A dictionary of electronics
a dictionary of electronics, floor 2 handel, samuel penguin, harmondsworth, 1971 electronics
Shelf No : 11
Electronics and communications for scientists and engineers
electronics and communications for scientists and engineers, floor 2 plonus, martin harcourt/academic press, san diego, ©2001 electronics
Shelf No : 6
Fundamentals of electronics
fundamentals of electronics, floor 2 owen, george e. (george ernest), 1922-; keaton, p. w harper & row, new york, [1966-67] electronics
Shelf No : 11
Integrated Circuits in Digital Electronics
integrated circuits in digital electronics, floor 2 barna, arpad. new york, wiley [1973] digital electronics.
Shelf No : 10
Electronics Engineers' Handbook
electronics engineers' handbook, floor 2 fink, donald g [et al] mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 electronics
Shelf No : 11
How to read schematics
how to read schematics, floor 2 herrington, donald e. h.w. sams, indianapolis, ind., u.s.a., ©1986 electronics
Shelf No : 3
Introduction to quantum electronics
introduction to quantum electronics, floor 2 unger, hans-georg. oxford, new york, pergamon press [©1970] quantum electronics.
Shelf No : 13
 Electronic fundamentals for technicians
electronic fundamentals for technicians, floor 2 shrader, robert l. mcgraw-hill, new york, [1972] electronics
Shelf No : 11
 Fundamentals of electronics
fundamentals of electronics, floor 2 owen, george e. harper & row, new york, [1966-67] electronics
Shelf No : 10
Digital Electronics
digital electronics, floor 2 berlin, howard m. reston pub. co., reston, va., ©1985 digital electronics
Shelf No : 11
Power electronics handbook
power electronics handbook, floor 2 mazda, f. f. newnes ; butterworth, oxford [england], boston, 1997 power electronics
Shelf No : 10
Le Parangon des nouvelles honnestes et délectables...
le parangon des nouvelles honnestes et délectables..., floor 2 berlin, howard m. universal book stall, new delhi, 1993 electronics
Shelf No : 11
Introduction to Physical Electronics
introduction to physical electronics, floor 2 wilson, bill connexions, rice university, houston, tex., 2001- solid state electronics
Shelf No : 11
Electronic and radio engineering
electronic and radio engineering, floor 2 terman, frederick emmons mcgraw-hill, new york, 1955 electronics,radio
Shelf No : 11
Power Electronics
power electronics, floor 2 sen, p. c tata mcgraw-hill, new delhi, 1987 power electronics
Shelf No : 11
 Power electronics
power electronics, floor 2 subrahmanyam, vedam new age international, new delhi, 2006 power electronics
Shelf No : 11
Digital Fundamentals, Global Edition
digital fundamentals, global edition, floor 2 floyd, thomas l. pearson education canada, harlow, united kingdom, 2015 digital electronics
Shelf No : 17
Micro-electronics and Employment Revisited
micro-electronics and employment revisited, floor 1 kaplinsky, raphael. geneva : international labour office, 1987 microelectronics industry--technological innovations.
Shelf No : 11
 Thyristorised power controllers
thyristorised power controllers, floor 2 dubey, g. k new age international, new delhi, ©2012 power electronics
Shelf No : 10
Basic engineering circuit analysis
basic engineering circuit analysis, floor 2 irwin, j. david mcgraw-hill, new york, ©2012 electronics
Shelf No : 10
 Power electronics : devices, circuits and industrial applications
power electronics : devices, circuits and industrial applications, floor 2 moorthi, v. r. oxford university press, delhi, 2005 power electronics
Shelf No : 17
Work, unemployment, and the new technology
work, unemployment, and the new technology, floor 1 gill, colin polity press ; b. blackwell, cambridge [cambridgeshire], oxford, ox, uk, 1985 microelectronics--social aspects
Shelf No : 11
 Basic electronics
basic electronics, floor 2 van valkenburgh j.f. rider, publisher, new york, [1955-59] electronics
Shelf No : 14
 A text book of electronics
a text book of electronics, floor 1 kakani, s. l. wiley eastern, new delhi, 1991 electronics
Shelf No : 11
Fundamentals of modern digital systems
fundamentals of modern digital systems, floor 2 bannister, b. r,whitehead, d. g. macmillan education, hamphire, 1987 digital electronics
Shelf No : 19
 Analysis and design of digital intergrated circuits
analysis and design of digital intergrated circuits, floor 1 hodges, david a., 1937,jackson, horace g. mcgraw-hill international book company, auckland [etc.], cop. 1983 digital electronics
Shelf No : 11
 Digital electronics : logic and systems
digital electronics : logic and systems, floor 2 kershaw, john d. delmar publishers inc, 1988 digital electronics
Shelf No : 11
Electronics for Technicians
electronics for technicians, floor 2 marcus, abraham prentice-hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., [©1969] electronics,electronic engineering
Shelf No : 7
The Cure For All Diseases
the cure for all diseases, floor 2 clark, hulda regehr health harmony, new dehli, 1999 naturopathy,bioelectronics
Shelf No : 11
Digital Electronics
digital electronics, floor 2 tokheim roger l. glencoe/mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1999 digital electronics
Shelf No : 18
electronics, floor 2 plant malcolm hodder & stoughton, london, 1994 electronics électronique
Shelf No : 11
Logical Design of Digital Systems
logical design of digital systems, floor 2 friedman arthur d. pitman, london, 1977 digital electronics
Shelf No : 10
 Digital logic fundamentals
digital logic fundamentals, floor 2 floyd, thomas l merrill, columbus, ohio, ©1977 digital electronics
Shelf No : 10
Electronics fundamentals : circuits, devices, and applications
electronics fundamentals : circuits, devices, and applications, floor 2 : floyd, thomas l,buchla, david m. pearson/prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., 1987 electronics
Shelf No : 10
Digital Design and Computer Architecture
digital design and computer architecture, floor 2 harris, david money morgan kaufmann, waltham, ma, 2016 computer architecture digital electronics
Shelf No : 10
The art of electronics
the art of electronics, floor 2 horowitz, paul cambridge university press, cambridge [england], 1989 electronics
Shelf No : 10
Basic Electronics
basic electronics, floor 2 tayal, d. c himalaya pub. house, mumbai, 2004 electronics
Shelf No : 10
Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles
fundamental electrical and electronic principles, floor 2 christopher r. robertson butterworth-heinemann, oxford, 2001 electronics
Shelf No : 10
principles of electric machines and power electronics, floor 2 p. c. sen john wiley & sons, new york, ©2007 power electronics
Shelf No : 11
Beginning Digital Electronics Through Projects
beginning digital electronics through projects, floor 2 singmin, andrew elsevier, burlington, 2000 digital electronics
Shelf No : 10
The Giant Book of Easy-to-build Electronic Projects
the giant book of easy-to-build electronic projects, floor 2 tab books, blue ridge summit, pa., ©1984 electronics
Shelf No : 3
Electronics: a practical introduction
electronics: a practical introduction, floor 2 braby, p. w wiley, toronto, ©1983 electronics
Shelf No : 13
entertainment, floor 1 oleksy, walter g. facts on file, new york, ©1996 electronics
Shelf No : 10
Analog Circuit Design : Vol. 3: Design Note Collection
analog circuit design : vol. 3: design note collection, floor 2 dobkin, bob,hamburger, john elsevier, newnes, amsterdam, 2015 electronics
Shelf No : 11
 Introduction to electronics
introduction to electronics, floor 2 romanowitz, h. alex wiley, new york, ©1976 electronics
Shelf No : 11
 Digital fundamentals
digital fundamentals, floor 2 floyd, thomas l. pearson prentice hall, upper saddle river, nj, 1986 digital electronics,logic circuits
Shelf No : 11
Applied Electronics
applied electronics, floor 2 morris, john c edward arnold, london, 1997 electronics,solid state electronics
Shelf No : 11
 Digital integrated electronics
digital integrated electronics, floor 2 herbert taub,donald l. schilling mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1977 digital electronics
Shelf No : 12
Integrated electronic circuits and systems
integrated electronic circuits and systems, floor 2 robert king van nostrand reinhold, wokingham, ©1983 microelectronics
Shelf No : 10
Introduction to digital systems
introduction to digital systems, floor 2 crisp, john newnes, oxford, 2000 digital electronics
Shelf No : 10
Electronic Devices: electron flow version
electronic devices: electron flow version, floor 2 floyd, thomas l. pearson/prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., 2004, ©2005 electronic apparatus and appliances,solid state electronics
Shelf No : 10
Electronic communication
electronic communication, floor 2 shrader robert l. mcgraw-hill, new york, [1975] electronics
Shelf No : 11
Immunocompetent : principles and applications
immunocompetent : principles and applications, floor 2 tarakanov, a. o,skormin, victor a,sokolova, s. p. springer, new york, 2003 molecular electronics
Shelf No : 10
Foundations of Electronics
foundations of electronics, floor 2 j.r cogdell pearson education , south asia, 1999 electronics
Shelf No : 11
Fundamentals Principles of Electronics
fundamentals principles of electronics, floor 2 ghosh, b. books and allied, plc. electronics,semiconductors
Shelf No : 11
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of digital principles
schaum's outline of theory and problems of digital principles, floor 2 tokheim, roger l. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1994 digital electronics.
Shelf No : 11
Electronics Theory and Practice
electronics theory and practice, floor 2 gerardo mesias routledge electronics
Shelf No : 10
Foundations of electronics
foundations of electronics, floor 2 cogdell, j. r. prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©1999 electronics
Shelf No : 11
 Basic electronics for tomorrow's world
basic electronics for tomorrow's world, floor 2 jones, len cambridge university press electronics
Shelf No : 11
 Electronics fundamentals : circuits and devices
electronics fundamentals : circuits and devices, floor 2 joel goldberg prentice-hall, englewood cliffs, nj, ©1988 digital electronics
Shelf No : 6
Introductory radio and television electronics
introductory radio and television electronics, floor 2 johnson, james j,fletcher, brian d --,macmillan, basingstoke, ©1997 television transimiter,rdaio electronics
Shelf No : 3
Practical Electricity and Electronics
practical electricity and electronics, floor 2 watson, john, 1944- macmillan ; collier-macmillan, london, new york, 1994 electronics
Shelf No : 11
 Electronic principles
electronic principles, floor 2 malvino albert paul; bates david j. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1989 electronics
Shelf No : 10
 An introduction to modern electronics
an introduction to modern electronics, floor 2 faissler, william l. j. wiley, new york, ©1991 digital electronics
Shelf No : 10
Electronics : fundamentals and applications
electronics : fundamentals and applications, floor 2 chattopadhyay, d. new age international, new delhi, 2002 electronics
Shelf No : 10
Basic electronics
basic electronics, floor 2 de, debashis dorling kindersley, new delhi, ©2010 electronics
Shelf No : 10
Power electronics : devices, drivers, and applications
power electronics : devices, drivers, and applications, floor 2 williams, b. w. macmillan, basingstoke, 1992 power electronics
Shelf No : 11
Electronic and Electrical Servicing: consumer and commercial electronics
electronic and electrical servicing: consumer and commercial electronics, floor 2 sinclair, ian robertson,lewis, geoffrey e. butterworth-heinemann, oxford, 2002 electronic apparatus and appliances--maintenance and repair,electronics
Shelf No : 11
Foundations of electronics
foundations of electronics, floor 2 meade, russell l. delmar publishers, albany, n.y., ©1999 digital electronics.
Shelf No : 10
The art of electronics
the art of electronics, floor 2 horowitz, paul,,hill, winfield cambridge university press, cambridge [england], 1980 electronics
Shelf No : 11
Mastering electronics: latest technology
mastering electronics: latest technology, floor 2 watson, john macmillan, 1990 electronics
Shelf No : 11
Introductory Radio and Television Electronics
introductory radio and television electronics, floor 2 johnson, james j.;,fletcher, brian d. macmillan, basingstoke, ©1997 radio-electronics
Shelf No : 11
Electronic and Electrical Servicing
electronic and electrical servicing, floor 2 sinclair, ian robertson; newnes, oxford, 2002 digital electronics,electronics--maintenance and repair
Shelf No : 11
Digital Fundamentals, 10th Edition
digital fundamentals, 10th edition, floor 2 floyd, thomas l. pearson prentice hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., c2011 digital electronics
Shelf No : 11
Basics of digital circuits
basics of digital circuits, floor 2 taye girma. addis ababa : mega publishing dist., 2014. digital electronics.
Shelf No : 1
Handbook Of Electronics
handbook of electronics, ground floor maini, a. k khanna publishers, dehli-110006, 1996 electronics,telecommunication
Shelf No : 11
Fundamentals of Digital Circuits
fundamentals of digital circuits, floor 2 kumar, a. anand prentice-hall of india, new delhi, 2001 digital electronics
Shelf No : 11
Practical Digital Electronics for Technicians
practical digital electronics for technicians, floor 2 kimber, will newnes, oxford, 1997 digital electronics
Shelf No : 13
Modern Industrial Electronics
modern industrial electronics, floor 2 maloney, timothy j. pearson/prentice-hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©2004 industrial electronics

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Boosting immunity : creating wellness naturally / Len Saputo, Nancy Faass, editors.

Shelf No: 9

Introduction to hydrogeology

Shelf No: 4

 A childhood adrift / René Goldman.

Shelf No: 3

 Auditing : incorporating companies (amendment) act, 2000

Shelf No: 18

 Wisdom of aging / Dora Obi Chizea

Shelf No: 10

The U.S. military response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake : considerations for Army leaders / Gary Cecchine ... [et al.].

Shelf No: 19

African report on child wellbeing

Shelf No: 1

Ethiopian tax accounting : principles and practice.

Shelf No: 7

Using sources effectively : strengthening your writing and avoiding plagiarism

Shelf No: 1

 Infectious disease : medical knowledge self-assessment program, MKSAP 15

Shelf No: 9

User' s guide : peachtree complete & peachtree complete plus : release 6

Shelf No: 14

Fifty year of fiscal federalism

Shelf No: 17


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