
Electronic and Electrical Servicing: consumer and commercial electronics

By - Sinclair, Ian Robertson , Lewis, Geoffrey E.
ISBN 10 - 0750654236
ISBN 13 - 9780750654234
Book Status - 4 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 11
common.call_no - 621.3810 SIN 2002
common.edition - 4th ed
common.physical_description - 318 pages: illustrations; 25 cm.
Notes - Includes Index
Book Information

Edition 4th ed.

Call Number – 621.3810 SIN 2002

Physical Description  318 pages: illustrations; 25 cm.

Notes  Includes Index.

Electronic and Electrical Servicing: Level 2 is the key to success in City & Guilds / EEB courses in electronic servicing, providing a thorough grounding in the electronics and electrical principles required by service engineers. Ian Sinclair and Geoff Lewis have been the leading authors of books for electronic servicing courses for over 20 years, helping many thousands of students through their college courses and NVQs into successful careers. This textbook is designed to provide complete coverage of the five core units of the new Level 2 Progression Award from City & Guilds / EEB (6958): Electrical and Electronics Servicing (Consumer / Commercial Electronics). It also offers a fully up-to-date course text for City & Guilds 2240 Part 1 and underpinning knowledge for Level 2 NVQs from City & Guilds and EMTA. Endorsed by EEB as a text for the new Level 2 Progression Award (also covers 2240 Part 1)Covers all 5 core units of the level 2 Progression Award in one book Based on the classic Sinclair and Lewis titles, Servicing Electronic Systems vol. 1 and Electrical and Electronic Servicing

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