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federal government--united states.
globalization and decentralization,
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washington, d.c. : georgetown university press, c1996.
federal government--united states.
reviving the american dream : the economy, the states & the federal government,
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rivlin, alice m.
brookings institution, washington, dc, 1992
federal government,intergovernmental fiscal relations
legislative executive and judicial governance in federal countries volume 3,
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le roy, katherine; saunders, cheryl[eds]
published for forum of federations = forum des fédérations and iacfs by mcgill-queen's university press, montréal, 2006
federal government
federalism, democracy and health policy in canada,
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adams, duane
institute of intergovernmental relations, queen's university, kingston, ont., 2001
canada federal government federal government canada
ethnic federalism : the ethiopian experience in comparative perspective,
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federal government--ethiopia.
dialogues on the practice of fiscal federalism,
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blindenbacher, raoul;
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federal government
comparing federal systems,
floor 1
watts, ronald l
published for the school of policy studies, queen's university by mcgill-queen's university press, montréal, ©2008
federal government
constitutional origins structure and change in federal countries (a global dialogue on federalism),
floor 1
published for forum of federations and international association of centers for federal studies by mcgill-queen's university press, montreal, ©2005
federal government,constitutional history
distribution of powers and responsibilities in federal countries,
floor 1
majeed, akhtar,watts, ronald l .ed
published for forum of federations and international association of centers for federal studies (iacfs) by mcgill-queen's university press, montréal, 2006
federal government