Available Books

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  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 6
Essential clinical anatomy
essential clinical anatomy, floor 2 moore, keith l. philadelphia, pa : lippincott williams & wilkins, c2007. human anatomy--atlases.
Shelf No : 7
 Clinical anatomy by regions / Richard S. Snell.
clinical anatomy by regions / richard s. snell., floor 2 snell, richard s. baltimore, md : lippincott williams & wilkins, c2012. human anatomy.
Shelf No : 6
Clinically oriented anatomy
clinically oriented anatomy, floor 2 moore, keith l. philadelphia : lippincott williams & wilkins, c2006. human anatomy.
Shelf No : 7
 Anatomy & physiology : the unity of form and function / Kenneth S. Saladin , with Carol Mattson Porth.
anatomy & physiology : the unity of form and function / kenneth s. saladin , with carol mattson porth., floor 2 saladin, kenneth s. boston, mass. : wcb/mcgraw-hill, c1998. human physiology.,human anatomy.
Shelf No : 6
Clinically oriented anatomy
clinically oriented anatomy, floor 2 moore, keith l. baltimore : williams & wilkins, c1985. human anatomy.
Shelf No : 6
Color atlas of human anatomy
color atlas of human anatomy, floor 2 mcminn, r. m. h. (robert matthew hay) chicago : year book medical publishers, c1988. human anatomy--atlases.
Shelf No : 6
Anatomy & physiology: the unity of form and function ; laboratory manual
anatomy & physiology: the unity of form and function ; laboratory manual, floor 2 wise, eric mcgraw-hill education, new york, ©2021 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
 Essentials of anatomy & physiology
essentials of anatomy & physiology, floor 2 martini, frederic,bartholomew, edwin f.,ober, william c. benjamin cummings, san francisco, ©2010 human anatomy
Shelf No : 1
Atlas of Human Anatomy
atlas of human anatomy, ground floor netter, frank h. elsevier saunders, 2014 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
A brief atlas of the human body
a brief atlas of the human body, floor 2 marieb, elaine nicpon, pearson education/benjamin cummings, [san francisco, calif.], ©2013 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Handbook of Anatomy for Nurses
handbook of anatomy for nurses, floor 2 sarasvati, pi., 1955- jaypee brothers, new delhi, 2008 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Study Guide for Structure & Function of the Body
study guide for structure & function of the body, floor 2 patton, kevin t. mosby, st. louis, 2016 human anatomy--study and teaching
Shelf No : 7
 Laboratory manual for anatomy & physiology
laboratory manual for anatomy & physiology, floor 2 wood, michael g. pearson education, inc., hoboken, new jersey, 2017 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
The Macmillan Book of the Human Body
the macmillan book of the human body, floor 2 elting, mary aladdin books ; collier macmillan, new york, london, 1986 human anatomy
Shelf No : 1
Gray's Anatomy for Students Flash Cards
gray's anatomy for students flash cards, ground floor drake, richard l elsevier churchill livingston, philadelphia., c2005 biology--study and teaching (higher)--audio-visual aids,human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Our amazing bodies
our amazing bodies, floor 2 world book, inc world book international, london, ©1996 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
 Human anatomy & physiology
human anatomy & physiology, floor 2 marieb, elaine nicpon, 1936-; hoehn, katja benjamin cummings, san francisco, © 1990 animal structures human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
Human physiology : an integrated approach
human physiology : an integrated approach, floor 2 silverthorn, dee unglaub pearson/benjamin cummings, san francisco, ©2004 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Human Body
human body, floor 2 williams, frances dorling kindersley, london, 1997 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Applied anatomy for nurses, : by E.J. Bocock and R. Wheeler Haines
applied anatomy for nurses, : by e.j. bocock and r. wheeler haines, floor 2 bocock, e. joan livingstone, edinburgh, 1965 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Abrahams' and McMinn's clinical atlas of human anatomy
abrahams' and mcminn's clinical atlas of human anatomy, floor 2 abrahams, peter h.; [ et al ] elsevier, edinburgh, 2020 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Human anatomy : regional and applied upper limb and thorax
human anatomy : regional and applied upper limb and thorax, floor 2 chaurasia, b. d. cbs publishers & distributors, delhi, 1984 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Clinically Oriented Anatomy
clinically oriented anatomy, floor 2 moore, keith l.;,; dalley, arthur f.,agur, a. m. r. wolters kluwer health/lippincott williams & wilkins, philadelphia, ©2010 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology
essentials of anatomy & physiology, floor 2 saladin, kenneth s etal mcgraw-hill education, new york, ny, 2018 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
 Human anatomy & physiology
human anatomy & physiology, floor 2 amerman erin c. pearson, [boston?], 2016 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
Anatomy and Physiology
anatomy and physiology, floor 2 patton kevin t. elsevier/mosby, st. louis, missouri, 2016 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
The Structure of the Body
the structure of the body, floor 2 world almanac library world almanac library, milwaukee, wi, 2002 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
 An Imaging atlas of human anatomy
an imaging atlas of human anatomy, floor 2 weir, jamie.,weir, jamie. etal wolfe publishing ltd c 1992 human anatomy--atlases,diagnostic imaging--atlases.
Shelf No : 7
Human Anatomy and Physiology
human anatomy and physiology, floor 2 hole, john w. w.c. brown, dubuque, ia, 1990 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Anatomy descriptive and surgical
anatomy descriptive and surgical, floor 2 gray, henry, 1825-1861,williams, peter l. bounty books, new york, 1977 human anatomy
Shelf No : 1
The Nurse's Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology Glossary
the nurse's anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology glossary, ground floor nur sage publications, london, 2019 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Anatomy & physiology
anatomy & physiology, floor 2 patton, kevin t.; elsevier/mosby, st. louis, missouri, 2016 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
 Manipal manual of anatomy for allied health science courses
manipal manual of anatomy for allied health science courses, floor 2 sampath madhyastha cbs, new delhi, 2007 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
612 TOR 2009
612 tor 2009, floor 2 tortora, gerard j;,bryan h. derrickson. john wiley & sons, hoboken, nj, ©2009 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
Anatomy & Physiology
anatomy & physiology, floor 2 thibodeau, gary a., patton, kevin t.; thibodeau, gary a., mosby/elsevier, st. louis, mo., ©2010 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
Human Anatomy & Physiology
human anatomy & physiology, floor 2 elaine nicpon marieb,katja hoehn pearson, boston [mass.], ©2013 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
 Principles of anatomy and physiology
principles of anatomy and physiology, floor 2 tortora, gerard j.,anagnostakos, nicholas peter harpercollinscollege, new york, ©1990 human anatomy,human physiology
Shelf No : 6
Student study art notebook, Human anatomy
student study art notebook, human anatomy, floor 2 van de graaff, kent m. wm. c. brown, dubuque, ia, ©1995 human anatomy
Shelf No : 1
The human body
the human body, ground floor clayman, charles b. dorling kindersley pub., london, 1995 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Cunningham's manual of practical anatomy
cunningham's manual of practical anatomy, floor 2 romanes g. j. oxford university press, london, 1986 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Human Anatomy & Physiology
human anatomy & physiology, floor 2 marieb, elaine nicpon,,hoehn, katja pearson, boston, 2016 human anatomy,human physiology
Shelf No : 15
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
introduction to human anatomy and physiology, floor 2 solomon, eldra pearl saunders/elsevier, st. louis, mo., ©2009 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses
anatomy and physiology for nurses, floor 2 t. w. a. glenister, jean r. w. ross heinemann, london, 1980 human anatomy
Shelf No : 1
Photo atlas for anatomy and physiology
photo atlas for anatomy and physiology, ground floor morton, david (emeritus professor of biology);,perry, james w. wadsworth pub. co., belmont, ca, ©1998 anatomy, comparative,human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
Essentials of human anatomy & physiology
essentials of human anatomy & physiology, floor 2 marieb, elaine nicpon. pearson learning solution, new york, ©2012 human physiology,human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy VOL 1 Upper and Lower Limbs
cunningham's manual of practical anatomy vol 1 upper and lower limbs, floor 2 d. j. cunningham,g. j. romanes oxford university press, london, 1976 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Gray's Basic Anatomy
gray's basic anatomy, floor 2 drake, richard l.;,vogl, wayne,mitchell, adam w. m. churchill livingstone, edinburgh, ©2012 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
 Human anatomy : regional and applied, dissection and clinical
human anatomy : regional and applied, dissection and clinical, floor 2 chaurasia, b. d. cbs publishers & distributors, new delhi, india, ©2004 human anatomy juvenile literature
Shelf No : 7
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
essentials of anatomy and physiology, floor 2 tate, philip,seeley, rod r,stephens, trent d mcgraw-hill, boston, ©2005 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Brief Human Anatomy
brief human anatomy, floor 2 massresha abuhay massresha abuhay human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Human Body in Health and Disease
human body in health and disease, floor 2 cohen, barbara j.,taylor, jason j lippincott williams & wilkins, philadelphia, pa., 2012 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Dr. Frankenstein's human body book : the monstrous truth about how your body works
dr. frankenstein's human body book : the monstrous truth about how your body works, floor 2 walker richard dk pub., london, 2008 human anatomy juvenile literature
Shelf No : 7
Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual
human anatomy & physiology laboratory manual, floor 2 marieb, elaine nicpon benjamin/cummings pub. co., menlo park, ca., ©2001 human anatomy,human physiology,swine--dissection
Shelf No : 7
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
essentials of anatomy and physiology, floor 2 tate, philip,seeley, rod r.,stephens, trent d mcgraw-hill science, engineering & mathematics human anatomy
Shelf No : 1
The Atlas of the Human Body
the atlas of the human body, ground floor abrahams, peter h. silverdale books, leicester, 2002 human anatomy,human physiology
Shelf No : 6
Gross anatomy
gross anatomy, floor 2 chung, kyung won; wolters kluwer health/lippincott williams & wilkins, philadelphia, 2008 human anatomy
Shelf No : 1
Grant's atlas of anatomy
grant's atlas of anatomy, ground floor agur, a. m. r.,lee, ming j lippincott williams & wilkins, baltimore, md, ©2013 human anatomy
Shelf No : 1
 Human anatomy: color atlas and text
human anatomy: color atlas and text, ground floor gosling, j. a [etal] elsevier, edinburgh, 2017 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Atlas of human anatomy
atlas of human anatomy, floor 2 vigué, jordi chamberlan press, [place of publication not identified], 2015 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
 Essentials of anatomy & physiology
essentials of anatomy & physiology, floor 2 tate, philip,seeley, rod r.,stephens, trent d mcgraw-hill, boston, ©2002 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
Anatomy & physiology
anatomy & physiology, floor 2 thibodeau, gary a.,patton, kevin t.; mosby, st. louis, ©1994 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
Anatomy and Physiology: Therapy Basics
anatomy and physiology: therapy basics, floor 2 mcguinness, helen hodder & stoughton human anatomy.
Shelf No : 7
Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual
essentials of human anatomy and physiology laboratory manual, floor 2 marieb, elaine nicpon pearson benjamin cummings human anatomy.
Shelf No : 6
Clinically Oriented Anatomy
clinically oriented anatomy, floor 2 moore, keith l.; dalley, arthur f.,; agur, a. m. r. lippincott williams & wilkins, philadelphia, ©1999 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Sectional anatomy & imaging strategies.
sectional anatomy & imaging strategies., floor 2 clifton, nj : medical imaging consultants, 2008. human anatomy.
Shelf No : 1
Workbook to accompany Anatomy & Physiology Revealed Version 3.0
workbook to accompany anatomy & physiology revealed version 3.0, ground floor broyles, robert b. mcgraw hill, new york, 2012 human anatomy--study and teaching
Shelf No : 6
Netter's Clinical Anatomy
netter's clinical anatomy, floor 2 hansen, john t.;,netter, frank h. elsevier, philadelphia, pa, 2019 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
 Human anatomy & physiology
human anatomy & physiology, floor 2 hoehn, katja,marieb, elaine benjamin cummings, san francisco, ©2010 human anatomy.
Shelf No : 7
Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology
hole's essentials of human anatomy and physiology, floor 2 shier, david;,butler, jackie,lewis, ricki; mcgraw-hill, boston, ma, c2003 human anatomy.
Shelf No : 6
Memmer's The human body in health & disease
memmer's the human body in health & disease, floor 2 cohen, barbara j,taylor, jason j. lippincott williams & wilkins, philadelphia, pa, ©2005 human anatomy.
Shelf No : 7
Human anatomy & physiology
human anatomy & physiology, floor 2 marieb, elaine nicpon,hoehn, katja benjamin cummings, san francisco, ©2007 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
Seeley's Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
seeley's essentials of anatomy and physiology, floor 2 vanputte, cinnamon l.; regan, jennifer l.; russo, andrew f. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©2013 human anatomy
Shelf No : 1
Atlas of Human Anatomy
atlas of human anatomy, ground floor netter, frank h. saunders/elsevier, philadelphia, pa., 2011 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Human anatomy
human anatomy, floor 2 prives, m. (mikhail),lisenkov n.,bushkovich v. mir publishers, moscow, 1985 human anatomy.
Shelf No : 7
 Anatomy & physiolgy for nurses
anatomy & physiolgy for nurses, floor 2 gupta, l.c krishan nagar, delhi : 2006. human anatomy.
Shelf No : 6
Grant's atlas of anatomy
grant's atlas of anatomy, floor 2 agur, a. m. r.;,grant, j. c. boileau,dalley, arthur f.,;,lee, ming j. wolters kluwer health/lippincott williams & wilkins, philadelphia, ©2009 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
Concepts of Human Anatomy & Physiology
concepts of human anatomy & physiology, floor 2 van de graaff w.c. brown, dubuque, ia, ©1995 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
Human body: bring the body to life.
human body: bring the body to life., floor 2 hawkins, emily physical description: 14 pages : chiefly color illustrations ; 29 cm. human anatomy
Shelf No : 9
Anatomy and Physiology for Midwives
anatomy and physiology for midwives, floor 2 coad, jane churchill livingstone/elsevier, edinburgh, 2011 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Basic human anatomy
basic human anatomy, floor 2 spence, alexander p benjamin/cummings pub. co., menlo park, calif., ©1986 human anatomy
Shelf No : 6
Atlas of human anatomy
atlas of human anatomy, floor 2 netter, frank h. (frank henry) elsevier saunders, edinburgh, 2006 human anatomy
Shelf No : 7
Netter's Anatomy Coloring Book
netter's anatomy coloring book, floor 2 hansen, john t. elsevier/saunders, philadelphia, pa, 2014 human anatomy

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Disney Princess Story Collection

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Good Queen Bess

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Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

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How do dinosaurs go up and down

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A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

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The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

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A Cheese-colored Camper

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The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

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Peppa Pig: Where's Peppa's Magical Unicorn?

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Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Being Digital

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Competitive and corporate strategy

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In the world of corporate managers

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Literacy : an international handbook

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 Competing with capabilities

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 Collins English thesaurus

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Help Me! : one woman's quest to find out if self-help really can change her life

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Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

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Philosophy : who needs it / Ayn Rand ; introduction by Leonard Peikoff.

Shelf No: 10

Harcourt Math : Challenge Workbook

Shelf No: 2

Positioning: the battle for your mind

Shelf No: 18


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