
Anatomy and Physiology for Midwives

By - Coad, Jane
ISBN 10 - 0702051845
ISBN 13 - 9780702051845
Book Status - 3 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Human anatomy
Shelf No - 9
common.call_no - 618.2 COA 2012
Book Information

Call Number - 618.2 COA 2012

Anatomy & Physiology for Midwives 3rd edition builds on the success of the first two editions with electronic ancillaries, more accessible, woman-centered language and strengthened links with good practice. The book provides a thorough review of anatomy and physiology applicable to midwifery, from first principles through to current research, utilizing case studies for reflection. A comprehensive and well-illustrated textbook that is an essential purchase for all students of midwifery. Learning outcomes and key points facilitate study . Extensively illustrated with line diagrams for maximum clarity. Case studies and boxes illustrate application of principles to clinical practice. One continuous case study illustrates various aspects of anatomy and physiology at different stages of pregnancy. 'Application to Practice' content electronic access to text and illustrations. animation depicting fontal development in the womb . 'Good Practice Point' boxes provide more links to midwifery practice. illustrations reflect modern midwifery presentation, not just side-lying . accessible, woman-centred language

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