striving for growth after adjustment: the role of capital formation,
floor 1
washington, d.c. : world bank, c1993.
investments--developing countries.
the only three questions that count,
floor 1
fisher, kenneth l.
hoboken, n.j. : john wiley, c2007.
the theory and practice of investment management,
floor 1
fabozzi frank j,markowitz harry m[ed]
hoboken, n.j. : wiley, c2002.
investments. business enterprises--finance.
the intelligent investor : a book of practical counsel,
floor 1
graham, benjamin
new york : harperbusiness essentials, c2003.
securities. investments.
rich dad's guide to investing : what the rich invest in that the poor and middle class do not! ,
floor 1
kiyosaki, robert t., 1947-
scottsdale, az : plata publishing, 2012.
investments--united states.,finance, personal--united states.,finance, personal.
investment management including portfollio management & security analysis,
floor 1
gangadhar, v., babu ramesh.
new delhi : anmol publications pvt. ltd., 2003.
floor 1
new york : united nations, 2001.
investments, foreign--law and legislation.,investments, foreign--environmental aspects.,environmental law, international--economic aspects.
pacific trade, investment, and politics,
floor 1
boyd, gavin.
new york : st. martin's press, 1989.
investments, american--pacific area.
essentials of investments,
floor 1
bodie, zvi.
boston : mcgraw-hill irwin, c2010.
discover the wealth within you : a financial plan for creating a rich and fulfilling life,
floor 1
edelman, ric
new york : harperbusiness, 2002.
finance, personal. investments.
floor 1
bodie zvi
mcgraw-hill education, new york, ny, 2021
the new wave of foreign direct investment in asia,
floor 1
/ compiled by nomura research institute and institute of southeast asian studies.
singapore : nri : iseas, c1995.
investments, foreign--asia.
investing in pre-emerging markets : opportunities for investment of risk capital in the ldcs / united nations conference on trade and development.,
floor 1
united nations conference on trade and development.
new york : united nations, 1998.
capital investments--developing countries.
the barefoot shoemaker : capitalizing on the new russia,
floor 1
kvint, v. l.
new york : arcade pub. : distributed by little, brown, c1993.
investments, american--former soviet republics.
your inner path to investment success : insights into the psychology of investing,
floor 1
mehrabian, albert
probus pub. co., chicago, ill., ©1991
investments--psychological aspects
the politics of international investment,
floor 1
fry, earl h
mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1983
investments, foreign--political aspects
investment principles and techniques,
floor 1
v. n. s. raman
vikas publishing house, new delhi, ©2001
investment analysis,investments
barron's toefl ibt internet based test 2006-2007 12th \ed with cd,
floor 1
sharpe pamela j
galgotia publications@2006
foreign direct investment in a changing global political economy,
floor 1
chan, stephen [ed].
macmillan press, hampshire, c1996
investments, foreign
africa rising,
floor 1
mahajan, vijay,gunther, robert e.
pearson education, inc., upper saddle river, nj, 2009
investments, foreign
project viability in inflationary conditions : a study of capital cost and project viability,
floor 1
chitale, v. p.
vikas, new delhi, 1981
capital investments
economic neocolonialism : problems of south-east asian countries' struggle for economic independence,
floor 1
klochkovsky, l. l
progress, moscow, 1975
investments, foreign southeast asia
foreign investment, transnationals, and developing countries,
floor 1
: lall, sanjaya,,streeten, paul
macmillan, london, 1977
investments, foreign
key terms and concepts in iias,
floor 1
united nations, new york, 2004
investments, foreign
investing in developing countries : facilities for the promotion of foreign private investment in developing countries,
floor 1
organisation for economic co-operation and development
organisation for economic co-operation and development ; [sold by oecd publications center], paris, [washington, d.c.], 1975,[paris, 1970]
investments, foreign
successful investing,
floor 1
united business service company;
simon and schuster, new york, ©1979
the finance and analysis of capital projects,
floor 2
merrett, a. j,sykes, allen
wiley, new york, [1973, ©1963]
capital investments
fundamentals of investing,
floor 1
gitman lawrence j.
harper & row, new york, ©1981
fisher investments on emerging markets,
floor 1
fraser :austin b.
wiley, hoboken, n.j., ©2010
analyse financière business & economics investments & securities general
investment management: securities and portfolio management,
floor 1
hiriyappa b.
new age international (p) ltd., publishers, new delhi, ©2008
investments & securities general
public investment criteria (unwin university books),
floor 1
marglin, stephen a
allen and unwin, london, 1973
capital investments
william e. donoghue's lifetime financial planner,
floor 1
donoghue, william e.
perennial library, new york, 1988, ©1987
projects: planning, analysis, selection, financing, implementation and…,
floor 2
prasanna chandra
tata mcgraw-hill, new delhi, 2009
capital investments management
beat the crowd,
floor 1
kenneth l. fisher,elisabeth dellinger
wiley & sons canada, limited, john, 2015
the laws of money,
floor 1
orman, suze
free press, new york, ©2003
issues in pension funding (routledge revivals),
floor 1
david blake
routledge, london [england], ©1992
pension trusts--investments
fundamentals of investments,
floor 1
gordon j. alexander,william f. sharpe,jeffery v. bailey
prentice hall, upper saddle river, nj, ©2001
inside the investor's brain,
floor 1
richard l. peterson
j. wiley & sons, hoboken, n.j., ©2007
investments--psychological aspects
all about stocks, 3e,
floor 1
faerber, esme
mcgraw hill, new york, ©2000
understanding credit derivatives and related instruments,
floor 1
bomfim, antúlio n.
elsevier academic press, amsterdam, ©2005
business & economics investments & securities general,credit derivatives--derivative securities
mad cash,
floor 1
emmanuel modu,andrea walker
penguin books, new york, 2003
accounting theory,
floor 2
riahi-belkaoui, ahmed
thomson learning, london, ©2004
corporations--accounting,investments--mathematical models
floor 1
bodie, zvi;,kane, alex;,marcus, alan j.
mcgraw-hill/irwin, boston, cop. ©2005
investments,portfolio management
your money and your brain,
floor 1
zweig, jason
simon & schuster, new york, ©2007
investments--psychological aspects
rich dad, poor dad,
floor 1
qingqi (kiyosaki, robert t.),,lechter, sharon l;
warner books, new york, ny, 2000, ©1998
finance, personal,investments
rich woman ,
floor 1
kim kiyosaki
rich press, [place of publication not identified], ©2006
economic evaluation and investment decision methods,
floor 1
stermole, franklin j.,stermole, john m.
investment evaluations corp., golden, colo., ©1993
economic development projects--evaluation,capital investments--evaluation
future stocks : investing for profit in the growth stocks of the 1980s,
floor 1
metz, robert
harper & row, new york, ©1982
essentials of investments,
floor 1
bodie, zvi; kane, alex,
irwin/mcgraw hill, boston, massachusetts, 1998
contemporary investments : security and portfolio analysis,
floor 1
hearth, douglas
dryden press, fort worth, ©1995
investment strategy,
floor 1
coates, c. robert
mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1978
the investment decisions of firms,
floor 2
nickell stephen
cambridge university press, cambridge, 1978
capital investments
the politics of international investment,
floor 1
fry, earl h.
mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1983
investments, foreign--political aspects
planning, analysis, selection, financing, implementation and review,
floor 1
chandra, prasanna
tata mcgraw-hill, new delhi, 2002
capital investments--management
mp fundamentals of investments with stock-trak card,
floor 1
jordan, bradford d.; miller, thomas w.; jordan, bradford d.; dolvin, steven d.
irwin mcgraw-hill, [s.l.], 2015
the safe investor,
floor 1
mccarthy, tim (timothy f.
palgrave macmillan, new york, ny, 2014
foreign direct investment,
floor 1
blonigen, bruce a
world scientific publishing co. pte. ltd., singapore, 2019
investments, foreign
teach yourself investing in 24 easy lessons,
floor 1
little, ken (ken e.)
alpha books, new york, ©2012
stock investing for dummies,
floor 1
mladjenovic, paul j.
wiley, hoboken, n.j., ©2009
be your own stockbroker,
floor 1
vintcent, charles
financial times, london, 1999
floor 1
cowdell, j. (jane)
van nostrand reinhold, wokingham, 2002
great britain,investments
capital budgeting and long-term financing decisions.,
floor 2
seitz, neil,
dryden press, fort worth, ©1995
capital investments
fundamentals of investments,
floor 1
stevenson, richard a.,jennings, edward h.
west pub. co., st. paul, ©1988
investment management: theory and application,
floor 1
khoury, sarkis j.
macmillan, new york, ©1983
investing in information technology,
floor 2
bysinger, bill; knight, kenneth
wiley, new york, 1996
capital investments--decision making
project evaluation : a unified approach for the analysis of capital investments,
floor 1
english, j. morley
macmillan, new york, ©1984
capital investments--evaluation
performance evaluation and attribution of security portfolios,
floor 1
fischer, bernd r.,wermers, russ
academic press, oxford, 2013
investment analysis,investments--evaluation,performance--measurement
projects : planning, analysis, selection, implementation, and review,
floor 2
chandra, prasanna
tata mcgraw-hill, new delhi, 1996, ©1995
capital investments--management
world investment report 2016 : investor nationality : policy challenge,
floor 1
united nations publications
new york, ny, united nations,2016
capital export + foreign investments +