Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
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  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 1
Engineering mathematics I
engineering mathematics i, floor 2 semu mitiku kassa. addis ababa, ethiopia : aster nega publishing enterprise, 2007 engineering mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Electronics math
electronics math, floor 2 deem, bill r. upper saddle river, n.j. : prentice hall, c2000. electronics--mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Omega applied mathematics I for science & technology university students
omega applied mathematics i for science & technology university students, floor 2 shimelis bekele zerefe. addis ababa : mega publishing, 2017. mathematics.
Shelf No : 7
Clinical Calculations Made Easy
clinical calculations made easy, floor 2 craig, gloria p philadelphia : wolters kluwer health/lippincott williams & wilkins health, 2009 pharmaceutical arithmetic. dimensional analysis. nursing--mathematics.
Shelf No : 16
An Undergraduate Introduction to Financial Mathematics
an undergraduate introduction to financial mathematics, floor 1 buchanan, j. robert. hackensack, nj : world scientific pub., c2012. business mathematics.
Shelf No : 17
Mastering Financial Calculations a step-by-step guide to the mathematics of financial market instruments
mastering financial calculations a step-by-step guide to the mathematics of financial market instruments, floor 1 steiner, bob. new york : financial times/prentice hall, c2012. business mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
 Student handbook : key skills : application of number
student handbook : key skills : application of number, floor 2 burndred, stafford. cambridge : pearson publishing, 2001. mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Archimedes' revenge : the joys and perils of mathematics
archimedes' revenge : the joys and perils of mathematics, floor 2 hoffman, paul. new york : norton, c1988. mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Edexcel GCSE modular mathematics : unit 4
edexcel gcse modular mathematics : unit 4, floor 2 / keith oledger ... [et al.]. oxford : heinemann, 2007. mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
New further mathematics project
new further mathematics project, floor 2 tuttuh-adegun, m. r. ibadan : bounty press ltd., 2011. mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
climax mathematics for grade 7 and 8
climax mathematics for grade 7 and 8, floor 2 abrahaley berhe [s.l. : s.n.], 2017. mathematics.
Shelf No : 9
Calculate with Confidence
calculate with confidence, floor 2 morris, deborah gray, st. louis, missouri : elsevier, [2018] pharmaceutical arithmetic. nursing--mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Heat and Power Thermodynamics
heat and power thermodynamics, floor 2 kamm, james. albany : delmar publishers, c1997. thermodynamics--mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
The Mathematics of the Elementary School
the mathematics of the elementary school, floor 2 begle, edward griffith. new york, mcgraw-hill [©1975] mathematics.
Shelf No : 3
Stepping Stones Comprehensive Mathematics 2.0
stepping stones comprehensive mathematics 2.0, floor 1 james burnett ... [et al.] [st.charles, mo] : origo education, 2017. mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathematical Methods in Continuous and Discrete Systems
mathematical methods in continuous and discrete systems, floor 2 karni, shlomo new york : holt, rinehart and winston, c1982. electrical engineering--mathematics.
Shelf No : 2
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers
advanced mathematical methods for scientists and engineers, floor 2 bender, carl m.,orszag,steven a. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1978 engineering mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathematical applications for the management, life, and social sciences
mathematical applications for the management, life, and social sciences, floor 2 harshbarger, ronald j.,reynolds, james j. d.c. heath, lexington, mass., ©1996 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathematics for elementary teachers: a conceptual approach
mathematics for elementary teachers: a conceptual approach, floor 2 bennett, albert b,nelson, leonard t,burton, laurie j. mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Math Workout for the GRE, 4th Edition
math workout for the gre, 4th edition, floor 2 french, doug penguin/random house, new york, ny, 2017 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Additional Mathematics for Ocr
additional mathematics for ocr, floor 2 hanrahan, val hodder & stoughton, london, 2004 mathematics.,mathematics--examinations
Shelf No : 1
Mathematics for the international student : mathematics SL, for use with IB diploma programme
mathematics for the international student : mathematics sl, for use with ib diploma programme, floor 2 robert haese [et-al] haese mathematics, adelaide airport, s. aust., 2012 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathematics for management
mathematics for management, floor 2 lucking, richard c. business mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathematics for engineers and scientists
mathematics for engineers and scientists, floor 2 jeffrey, alan van nostrand reinhold, wokingham, 1985 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathematical Methods for Science Students
mathematical methods for science students, floor 2 stephenson, g. (geoffrey longman, [london], [1973] mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of college mathematics
schaum's outline of theory and problems of college mathematics , floor 2 ayres, frank,schmidt, philip a. mcgraw-hill mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
 Maths - no problem! Singapore maths English national curriculum 2014
maths - no problem! singapore maths english national curriculum 2014 , floor 2 yeap, ban har/et..al maths - no problem mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Pure Mathematics
pure mathematics, floor 2 backhouse, john k. (john kenneth) longman, london, 1985 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
MSM mathematics. Book 3w
msm mathematics. book 3w, floor 2 miller, jim nelson, walton-on-thames, 1994 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
South-Western mathmatters : an integrated approach
south-western mathmatters : an integrated approach, floor 2 lynch, chicha,olmstead, eugene south-western pub. co., cincinnati, ohio, ©1993 [i.e. 1992?-] mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
A level mathematics for Edexcel. Core C3/C4
a level mathematics for edexcel. core c3/c4, floor 2 m. r. heylings oxford university press, oxford, 2009 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathematics course 1 : applications and connections
mathematics course 1 : applications and connections, floor 2 collins, william [et-al] glencoe/mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1998 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Glencoe math : Course 3
glencoe math : course 3, floor 2 john a. carter/et..al mcgraw-hill education, bothell, wa, 2013 mathematics.,mathematics--study and teaching (middle school)
Shelf No : 1
Steps in understanding mathematics 2
steps in understanding mathematics 2, floor 2 collins, john david murray, 1990 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
London GCSE Mathematics
london gcse mathematics, floor 2 heinemann, [oxford], [1996] mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Maths : Book 2. Assessment papers
maths : book 2. assessment papers, floor 2 clemson, david oxford university press, oxford, 2015 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Advanced mathematics
advanced mathematics, floor 2 perkins, martin,perkins, patricia, unwin hyman, london, 1987 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Extended Mathematics for IGCSE
extended mathematics for igcse, floor 2 rayner, david oxford university press, oxford, 2000 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathematics Made Simple
mathematics made simple, floor 2 cusick, thomas w. national geographic books mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
 The new applied mathematics
the new applied mathematics, floor 2 lasley, sidney j. englewood cliffs, n.j., prentice-hall [1964] mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
A history of mathematics
a history of mathematics, floor 2 boyer, carl b.,merzbach, uta c john wiley & sons, inc., new york, 1968 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
College Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences
college mathematics for the managerial, life, and social sciences, floor 2 tan, s. t. (soo tang) thomson brooks/cole, belmont, ca, ©2008 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mastering Mathematics for OCR GCSE
mastering mathematics for ocr gcse, floor 2 porkess roger hodder education group, 2015 mathematics.
Shelf No : 20
 Mathematics in action
mathematics in action, floor 1 alan r. hoffer/et...al macmillan/mcgraw-hill school pub. co., new york, ©1992 mathematics.,mathematics--study and teaching (elementary),mathematics--study and teaching (primary)
Shelf No : 2
prealgebra, floor 2 hestwood, dian pearson, boston, 2014 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Finite Mathematics
finite mathematics, floor 2 thompson, maynard,maki, daniel p. mcgraw-hill mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathematical applications for the management, life, and social sciences
mathematical applications for the management, life, and social sciences, floor 2 harshbarger, ronald j,reynolds, james j. houghton mifflin, boston, ©2004 business mathematics.
Shelf No : 2
Introduction to Technical Mathematics
introduction to technical mathematics, floor 2 cleaves, cheryl/et..al prentice-hall mathematics.
Shelf No : 2
Basic College Mathematics
basic college mathematics, floor 2 lial, margaret l.,salzman, stanley a.,hestwood, diana pearson addison wesley, boston, ©2006 mathematics.
Shelf No : 2
Trans Math
trans math, floor 2 woodward, john,stroh, mary cambium learning/sopris west mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences
finite mathematics for the managerial, life, and social sciences, floor 2 tan, s. t. cengage learning, mathematics.
Shelf No : 2
Master Math
master math, floor 2 ross, debra course technology, boston, ma, 2010 mathematics.,trigonometry
Shelf No : 1
Applied Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences
applied mathematics for business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences, floor 2 barnett, raymond a/et...al prentice hall, mathematics.
Shelf No : 2
Algebra II For Dummies
algebra ii for dummies, floor 2 sterling, mary jane john wiley & sons, hoboken, nj, 2015 mathematics.,algebra
Shelf No : 2
Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences: A Brief Approach
applied calculus for the managerial, life, and social sciences: a brief approach, floor 2 tan, s. t. (soo tang) brooks/cole, cengage learning, belmont, ca, ©2009 business mathematics.,precalculus.
Shelf No : 2
Calculus: Early Transcendentals (Paper)
calculus: early transcendentals (paper), floor 2 rogawski, jon w.h. freeman, new york, ©2012 mathematics.,calculus
Shelf No : 1
The Facts on File Dictionary of Mathematics
the facts on file dictionary of mathematics, floor 2 daintith, john,clark, john o. e. facts on file, new york, ©1999 mathematics.
Shelf No : 3
Interactive mathematics program: integrated high school mathematics, teacher's guide. Year 1
interactive mathematics program: integrated high school mathematics, teacher's guide. year 1, floor 2 fendel,daniel m [etal] key curriculum press, emeryville, california, 2009 mathematics.
Shelf No : 2
Basic college mathematics
basic college mathematics, floor 2 tobey, john,,slater, jeffrey,,blair, jamie cooperation with pearson learning solutions. mathematics.
Shelf No : 2
Competency mathematics
competency mathematics, floor 2 parsky, larry. new york : educational design, inc., 2000. mathematics.
Shelf No : 2
College Algebra
college algebra, floor 2 abramson, jay p. openstax, rice university, houston, texas, 2017 mathematics.,algebra,functions
Shelf No : 2
College Algebra
college algebra, floor 2 sullivan, michael pearson, boston, 2016 mathematics.,algebra,algebra--study and teaching (higher)
Shelf No : 2
Pre-health math 1 : Math 1702 : pre-health sciences pathways (PHSC and PHSU)
pre-health math 1 : math 1702 : pre-health sciences pathways (phsc and phsu), floor 2 [s.l.] : nelson, 2018. mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
New Maths in Action S2/2 Pupil's Book
new maths in action s2/2 pupil's book, floor 2 brown, d. (doug) nelson thornes, cheltenham, 2003 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathematics : course 3
mathematics : course 3, floor 2 randall i. charles ... [et al.]. boston : pearson/prentice hall, c2008. mathematics.
Shelf No : 3
Omega applied mathematics I for scientists & engineers.
omega applied mathematics i for scientists & engineers., floor 2 shimelis bekele zerefe addis ababa : mega publishing & distribution p.l.c., 2017. mathematics.
Shelf No : 2
The World Book of Math Power, V. 1
the world book of math power, v. 1, floor 2 world book, inc chicago : world book, inc., 1996. mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
 Visions : mathematics, secondary cycle two, year two. Student book
visions : mathematics, secondary cycle two, year two. student book, floor 2 éditions cec, anjou, québec, c2009 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
 General mathematics
general mathematics, floor 2 mervin laverne keedy/et....al addison-wesley, menlo park, calif., ©1983 mathematics.,mathematics--study and teaching (secondary)
Shelf No : 1
Mathematics for A and AS levels
mathematics for a and as levels, floor 2 school mathematics project cambridge university, new york, 1997 mathematics.
Shelf No : 2
Fundamental Mathematics
fundamental mathematics, floor 2 bittinger, marvin l. addison-wesley longman,pearson/addison-wesley, boston, ©2007 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathematics; : with applications in management and economics,
mathematics; : with applications in management and economics,, floor 2 bowen, earl k.,prichett, gordon d.,saber, john c. r.d. irwin, homewood, ill., 1987 business mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathematics for elementary teachers : a conceptual approach
mathematics for elementary teachers : a conceptual approach, floor 2 bennett, albert b.; nelson, leonard t.; burton, laurie j. mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathpower 12
mathpower 12, floor 2 mcgraw-hill ryerson, toronto, 2000 mathematics.,mathematics--study and teaching (secondary)
Shelf No : 1
Mathematics with Applications
mathematics with applications, floor 2 lial, margaret l. addison-wesley, reading, mass., ©1999 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathematics : people, problems, result
mathematics : people, problems, result, floor 2 campbell, douglas m. wadsworth international, belmont, calif., ©1984 mathematics.
Shelf No : 20
Barron's how to prepare for the new SAT.
barron's how to prepare for the new sat., floor 1 green, sharon,,barron's educational series, inc hauppauge, ny : barron's educational series, ©2005. mathematics.,sat (educational test)
Shelf No : 2
calculus, floor 2 grossman, stanley i. elsevier science, burlington, mathematics.,calculus
Shelf No : 1
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
discrete mathematics and its applications, floor 2 rosen, kenneth h. mcgraw-hill science, engineering & mathematics mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Mathematics for Edexcel GCSE.
mathematics for edexcel gcse., floor 2 banks, tony, 1947-; alcorn, david causeway mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Pure Mathematics 2
pure mathematics 2, floor 2 bostock, l. (linda) stanley thornes (publishers) ltd, cheltenham, 1979 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
New GCSE maths Edexcel linear. Foundation 1
new gcse maths edexcel linear. foundation 1, floor 2 brian speed collins educational mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Core C1/C2
core c1/c2, floor 2 hind peter oxford university press, oxford, 2008 mathematics.,mathematics--examinations
Shelf No : 1
 Fundamentals of mathematics
fundamentals of mathematics, floor 2 setek, william m.,gallo, michael a. prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., 1999 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Revise GCSE : mathematics
revise gcse : mathematics, floor 2 patmore, mark letts educational, mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Math to Know
math to know, floor 2 cavanagh, mary c.;,great source education group great source education group mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Maths Dictionary
maths dictionary, floor 2 gardner, kay collins, london, 2005 mathematics.
Shelf No : 1
Beta mathematics
beta mathematics, floor 2 barton, david longman, auckland, n.z., 1998 mathematics.,mathematics--study and teaching (elementary)
Shelf No : 1
 Business mathematics : a college course
business mathematics : a college course, floor 2 gossage, loyce c. cincinnati : south-western pub. co., c1984. business mathematics.

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


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Good Queen Bess

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Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

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How do dinosaurs go up and down

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A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Peppa Pig: Where's Peppa's Magical Unicorn?

Shelf No: 10

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The economics of development and planning  / M. L. Jhingan.

Shelf No: 16

Food and agricultural legislation = Recueil de législation alimentation et agriculture = Colección legislativa agricultura y alimentación.

Shelf No: 13

Repacking Your Bags: how to live with a new sense of purpose

Shelf No: 11

 African women and development : a history / Margaret C. Snyder, Mary Tadesse.

Shelf No: 14

 Man and sin : a study guide

Shelf No: 12

Bale: From the Playground to the Pitch

Shelf No: 1

 New world vistas : air and space power for the 21st century : information technology volume.

Shelf No: 19

Anyway: The Paradoxical Commandments: Finding Personal Meaning in a Crazy World

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Geothermal training in Iceland : reports of the United Nations University Geothermal Training Progamme in 2005 / edited by Ludvik S. Georgsson. ...

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 Social dialogue : a manual for trade union education

Shelf No: 16

Vitamins and Minerals Demystified

Shelf No: 6

 Emergency imaging / D. Karthikeyan, Deepa Chegu

Shelf No: 9


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