
Math Workout for the GRE, 4th Edition

By - French, Doug
ISBN 10 - 0451487869
ISBN 13 - 9780451487865
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Mathematics.
Shelf No - 1
Book Information

Call no:510.76 FRE 2017

Edition:4th ed.

THE PRINCETON REVIEW GETS RESULTS. The Princeton Review's Math Workout for the GRE is your one-stop guide to conquering the quantitative portions of the GRE exam—even if your math knowledge is a bit rusty. Inside, you'll find useful reviews of key test topics, strategies for tackling tough questions, and all the practice you need to get the score you want. Inside the Book: All the Practice & Strategies You Need · 275+ practice questions with detailed answers and explanations · Strategies for mastering tricky Quantitative Comparison, All-That-Apply, and Numeric Entry questions · Helpful review of the math basics, and in-depth coverage of the algebra and geometry you'll need on the Math section of the GRE · Glossary of common terms to brush up on your math vocabulary · Two sample GRE math sections to hone your skills

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