type talk,
floor 1
kroeger otto
dell pub., new york, 1989, ©1988
typologie (psychologie),interpersonal relations
cognitive psychology: connecting mind, research, and everyday experience,
floor 1
goldstein,e. bruce
thomson wadsworth, australia, ©2008
psychologie cognitive
keeper of the flame: how to inspire others on the cusp of change,
floor 1
lipkin, mike
environics/lipkin, toronto, 2006
achievement motivation change (psychology) changement (psychologie) leadership motivation d'accomplissement self-actualization (psychology)
understanding psychology,
floor 1
feldman, robert s
mcgraw-hill college, boston, ©1999
introduction to psychology,
floor 1
hilgard, ernest r
harcourt brace jovanovich, new york, ©1983
social psychology (3rd edition),
floor 1
feldman, robert s. (robert stephen),
prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©1998
psychologie sociale
practical guide to psychic powers,
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denning, melita
llewellyn publications, st. paul, mn, 1997
yes to life,
floor 1
frankl, viktor e. (viktor emil),
beacon press, boston, 2019
but (psychologie)
care of the soul,
floor 1
moore, thomas,
psychologie et religion
psychology in action,
floor 1
huffman, karen;
john wiley & sons, new york, ©2002
psychologie psychology
woman's way to wisdom,
floor 1
ball, pamela
arcturus, london, 2011
femmes psychologie
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mahsher abidi, syed mohammad mohsin, 1910-
wiley eastern, new delhi, ©1990
attitude (psychologie)
psychology ; the study of human behaviour,
floor 1
mishra, braj kumar
phi learning pvt. ltd., new delhi, 2008
psychology in your life,
floor 1
grison sarah
w.w. norton & company, inc., new york, ny, 2017
developmental psychology psychologie
research methods in psychology,
floor 1
shaughnessy, john j
mcgraw-hill, boston ma, ©2000
psychologie recherche
die frühe kindheit,
floor 1
dornes martin
fischer-taschenbuch-verl., frankfurt am main 1997
writing for psychology,
floor 3
l. mitchell mark
wadsworth/cengage learning, australia, ©2010
communication en psychologie guides, manuels, etc communication in psychology
psychology: a concise introduction ,
floor 1
pettijohn terry f.
dushkin pub. group, guilford, conn., ©1987
theories of personality,
floor 1
feist, jess
mcgraw-hill education - europe, 2013
floor 1
reber deborah
simon pulse ; beyond words, new york, hillsboro, oregon, 2015
adolescentes psychologie ouvrages pour la jeunesse juvenile works
coping with anxiety and depression,
floor 2
trickett , shirley
sheldon press, london, 1996
adaptability (psychology), adaptation (psychologie) adaptation, psychological anxiety depression
to sell is human,
floor 1
h. pink daniel
riverhead books, new york, 2013
influence (psychologie)
how to observe your group,
floor 3
dimock, hedley g.,kass, rachel r.
langara college, vancouver, b.c., 2015
observation (psychologie)
listening for success,
floor 1
shapiro steve
chica publications ; available from blue ribbon video, [place of publication not identified], yakima, wash., ©1999
écoute (psychologie) listening selling
the interpersonal communication book,
floor 1
devito joseph a.
pearson, boston, ©2013
psychologie,interpersonal communication
floor 1
charles g. morris
prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©1996
exploring psychology,
floor 1
david g. myers
worth publishers, new york, ©2008
psychology : themes and variations : briefer version ,
floor 1
weiten, wayne, 1950-
belmont, ca : wadsworth/thomson learning, c2002.
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schacter, daniel
worth publishers, macmillan learning, new york, ny, 2017
psychologie psychology
the strengths,
floor 1
saleebey, dennis
longman, new york, ©1992
conference papers and proceedings psychologie
introduction to psychology,
floor 1
mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1986
floor 2
molinsky, andy
penguin life, uk, 2017
changement (psychologie)
introduction to psychology : exploration and application,
floor 1
coon dennis
west publ. co., minneapolis, minn., 1995
psychology : themes and variations,
floor 1
weiten wayne
wadsworth cengage learning, australia, ©2011
cognitive psychology,
floor 1
sternberg robert j.
thomson/wadsworth, australia, ©2003
cognitieve psychologie
floor 1
myers david g.
worth publishers, new york, n.y., ©2007
silent impact : stories of influence through purpose, persistence, & passion,
floor 1
schmit joe
wise ink, minneapolis, mn, 2014
conduct of life influence (psychologie)
experimental design in behavioural research,
floor 1
broota, k. d. (krishan d.)
wiley, new york, 1989
experimentelle psychologie
psychology for as-level,
floor 1
cardwell, mike; clark, liz, 1952-; meldrum, claire
collins educational, london, 2003
adult development and aging,
floor 1
hoyer, william j
wm. c. brown publishers, dubuque, ia, ©1991
adultes psychologie
the process of research in psychology,
floor 1
mcbride dawn m.
sage publications, thousand oaks, calif., ©2013
methode psychologie
work psychology : understanding human behaviour in the workplace,
floor 1
arnold, john; robertson ivan t.
pitman, london, 1995
arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie
the gendered society reader,
floor 1
kaler, amy
oxford university press, new york, 2014
différences entre sexes (psychologie)
psychological science : modeling scientific literacy,
floor 1
pearson, boston, ©2012