soil conservation for survival,
floor 1
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soil conservation--congresses.
behind the lines of stone : the social impact of a soil and water conservation project in the sahel ,
floor 1
atampugre, nicholas.
oxford : oxfam, c1993.
soil conservation projects--burkina faso--yatenga (region),water conservation projects--burkina faso--yatenga (region),agricultural conservation--economic aspects--burkina faso--yatenga (region),yatenga (burkina faso : region)--economic conditions.
guidelines for development agents on soil and water conservation in ethiopia,
floor 4
ethiopia. ministry of agriculture
berb, switzerland : center for development and environment, 2016.
soil conservation--ethiopia.,water conservation--ethiopia
soil and water conservation manual for eritrea,
floor 2
amanuel negassi etal
regional land management unit, nairobi, 2002
soil conservation
agroecosystems analysis,
floor 2
rickerl, diane [ed].
american society of agronomy, inc. : crop science society of america, inc. : soil science society of america, inc. publishers, madison, wisconsin, usa, 2004
soil conservation
soil and water conservation engineering,
floor 2
frevert, richard k[etal]
american society of agricultural and biological engineers, st. joseph, mi, 2013
soil conservation
soil atlas of africa,
floor 2
european commission. joint research centre
published by the publications office of the european union, luxembourg, luxembourg, 2013
soil conservation
towards sustainable land use,
floor 1
international soil conservation organisation
catena verlag, reiskirchen, germany, ©1998
soil conservation
soil erosion and conservation,
floor 2
tripathi, r. p., dr.
new age international (p) limited, new delhi, 1993
soil conservation
erosion conservation and small-scale farming,
floor 2
world association of soil and water conservation (waswc), [bern], [sydney, australia], [ankeny, iowa], ©1992
soil conservation,soil erosion