
An Introduction to Community Health

By - McKenzie, James F , Pinger, R. R , Kotecki, Jerome Edward
ISBN 10 - 0763746347
ISBN 13 - 9780763746346
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Public health
Shelf No - 19
common.call_no - 362.12 MCK 2008
common.edition - 6th ed
common.physical_description - xix, 632 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm
Notes - Includes Index
Book Information
In an effort to effectively address the health issues facing today's communities, An Introduction to Community Health, Sixth Edition, has been updated to reflect the latest trends and statistics in community health. With an emphasis on developing the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in health education, this best-selling introductory text covers such topics as epidemiology, community organization, program planning, minority health, health care, mental health, environmental health, drugs, safety, and occupational health.Short scenarios, key terminology, marginal definitions, and web activities found in each chapter make this an accessible and reader-friendly resource for the beginning community health student.The book also features helpful instructor resources, including an Instructor's Toolkit CD-ROM and Student Note-Taking Guide.

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