introduction to public health,
floor 1
schneider, mary-jane,
gaithersburg, md. : aspen publishers, 2000.
public health.
oxford textbook of public health: applications in public health,
ground floor
detels roger... [et al.].
oxford [england] ; new york : oxford university press, 1997.
public health.
scoring african leadership for better health.,
floor 1
ddis ababa, ethiopia : economic commission for africa, c2004.
medical policy--africa.,public health--africa.
essential public health,
floor 1
gillam stephen [ed]
cambridge : cambridge university press, 2012.
public health.
disease and discovery : a history of the johns hopkins school of hygiene and public health, 1916-1939,
floor 2
fee, elizabeth.
baltimore : johns hopkins university press, c1987.
public health--research--united states--history.
the health of nations : true causes of sickness and well-being,
floor 1
sagan, leonard a.
new york : basic books, c1987.
social medicine.,public health.,life expectancy.,health behavior.
public health law and ethics,
floor 1
gostin, lawrence o.
university of california press ; milbank memorial fund, berkeley, california, new york, 2010
public health--moral and ethical aspects
principles and practice of public health surveillance,
floor 2
teutsch, steven m.
oxford university press, oxford, 2000
public health surveillance
preventive medicine and public health,
floor 2
rosenau, m. j. (milton joseph), 1869-1946.
new york, appleton-century-crofts [1965]
medicine, preventive,public health
health and welfare systems development in the 21st century : proceedings of third global symposium, 6-8 november 2002, kobe, japan,
floor 1
global symposium on health and welfare systems development in the 21st century (3rd : 2002 : kōbe-shi, japan); world health organization.
who kobe centre, kobe, japan, 2002
public health
evaluating public and community health programs,
floor 1
harris, muriel j., 1955-
jossey-bass, san francisco, ca, ©2010
public health--evaluation
the health of adults in the developing world,
floor 2
feachem, richard g.,
published for the world bank by oxford university press, new york, 1992
public health
an introduction to health services research,
floor 1
walker, dawn-marie [editor]
sage publications, london, 2014
public health--research--methodology
education and public health,
floor 1
smith, jenny, 1963-
association for supervision and curriculum development, alexandria, va., 2003
public health
evaluation fundamentals,
floor 1
arlene fink
sage, los angeles, 2015
public health--evaluation
from alma-ata to the year 2000,
floor 1
ogilvie, will h.
world health organization, geneva, 1988
public health
oxford handbook of public health practice,
floor 1
pencheon, david;,guest, charles; eds.
open university press, oxford, 2006
public health
a short book of public health,
floor 2
muthu, v. k.,
jaypee brothers, new delhi, 2008
public health
health care service management,
floor 1
muller, m. e/
juta ; global [distributor], cape town, london, 2006
public health administration
evidence-based research,
floor 1
brown, brian
open university press, maidenhead, 2003
public health--research
the principles and practice of nursing and health care,
floor 1
jooste, k.
van schaik, pretoria, 2010
public health administration
research methods in health,
floor 1
bowling, ann
mcgraw hill/open university press, maidenhead, berkshire, england, 2009
public health--research--methodology
an introduction to community health,
floor 1
mckenzie, james f,pinger, r. r,kotecki, jerome edward
jones & bartlett learning, sudbury, ma, ©2008
public health
encyclopedia of public health,
ground floor
breslow, lester
macmillan reference usa/gale group thomson learning, new york, ©2002
public health
essentials of epidemiology in public health,
floor 2
aschengrau, ann,seage, george r
jones & bartlett learning, burlington, ma, ©2014
epidemiology,public health
national level 3 health and social care,
floor 1
rasheed, elizabeth,hetherington, alison
hodder education, london, 2016
public health
ma planète sida,
floor 1
patris, catherine
l'harmattan, paris, 2000
public health administration
introduction to public health,
floor 1
schneider, mary-jane
jones and bartlett, sudbury, mass., ©2006
public health
law in public health practice,
floor 1
goodman, richard a. (richard alan), 1949-
oxford university press, oxford, 2003
public health laws
tuberculosis and public health : policy and principles in tuberculosis control,
floor 2
arnadottir, thuridur
international union against tuberculosis and lung disease, paris (68 bd saint-michel, 75006), 2009
public health,tuberculosis--prevention
rx for survival : why we must rise to the global health challenge,
floor 1
hilts, philip j.
penguin press, new york, 2005
public health
the health of adults in the developing world,
floor 2
editor: feachem, richard g.
oxford university press, 1992
public health
essentials of preventive and community dentistry,
floor 2
peter, soben
arya (medi) publishing house, new delhi, 2003
dental public health
public health law,
floor 1
gostin, lawrence o
university of california press
public health laws
public health & human rights: evidence-based approaches,
floor 1
beyrer, chris,pizer, hank
johns hopkins university press, baltimore, 2007
public health
the health of nations,
floor 1
sagan, leonard a.
basic books, new york, ©1987
public health
research methods for public health,
floor 1
mcclean, stuart;,bird, emma,bray, isabelle;
sage publications, london, 2020
public health--research--methodology
essential dental public health,
floor 1
blánaid daly/
clarendon press ; oxford university press, oxford, new york, 1990
dental public health
health and health care delivery in canada,
floor 1
thompson, valerie d
elsevier, toronto, on, 2016
public health
wastewater irrigation and health: assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries,
floor 1
drechsel, pay
earthscan, london, 2010
public health