
Barron's how to prepare for the new SAT.

By - Green, Sharon, , Barron's Educational Series, Inc
ISBN 10 - 0764123610
ISBN 13 - 9780764123610
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 20
common.call_no - 378.1662 BAR 2005
common.edition - 22nd ed
common.physical_description - ix, 818 pages: illustrations; 28 cm.
Notes - Includes vocabulary flashcards perf-bound into book.
Book Information

The new 22nd edition of this test prep manual for the all-important SAT college entrance test has been heavily revised and updated to reflect the exam’s major changes, beginning in March 2005. The old Verbal section’s name has been changed to Critical Reading, with all analogies questions now eliminated, and with short reading passages now added to the existing long reading passages. An entirely new Writing section has been added to the SAT, which is similar to the current SAT II Writing test. It consists of multiple-choice questions on grammar and usage and a required student-written essay. The math section has been expanded to include topics from third-year college preparatory math, and the old quantitative comparisons questions have been dropped. Reflecting the updated test format, Barron’s new manual presents a diagnostic test and seven full-length practice tests, all with questions answered and explained, plus extensive review material covering all three test sections. An added feature is a set of vocabulary flashcards bound into the book’s spine on perforated card stock.

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