
Beyond Spin

By - Kounalakis, Markos , Banks, Drew, , Daus, Kim
ISBN 10 - 0787945501
ISBN 13 - 9780787945503
Book Status - 3 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 17
common.call_no - 658.453 KOU 1999
common.edition - 1st ed
common.physical_description - xix, 266 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Book Information
Discover a new, strategic brand of corporate communication that cuts through today's Dilbert-esque cynicism to engage workforces, manage constant change, and align organizations. In Beyond Spin, three experts detail the techniques of corporate journalism--an ingenious communications model that hinges on open, accurate, and strategically weighted reporting inside a corporation. With practical guidelines and real-world examples from SGI, Microsoft, J.P. Morgan, and other corporations, Beyond Spin helps you equip your company with this powerful new standard of communication--one that makes the most of every communications vehicle to keep your company aligned, nimble, innovative, and fiercely competitive.

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