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communication in management--united states.
corporate communication,
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communicating at work,
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alessandra, anthony j.
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the art of framing : managing the language of leadership,
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fairhurst, gail theus, 1951-
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leadership.,communication in management.,interpersonal communication.
trump-style negotiation : powerful strategies and tactics for mastering every deal,
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ross, george h.
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if it's broken, you can fix it : overcoming dysfunction in the workplace ,
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jones, tom e.
new york : amacom, 1999.
management.,communication in management.,organizational effectiveness.
the manager's communication toolbox,
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chasen, everett; putnam, bob
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the manager's communication toolbox,
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chasen, everett; putnam, bob
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the handbook of strategic public relations & integrated communications,
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caywood, clarke l[ed]
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training for communication,
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adair, john eric
macdonald & co., london, 1973
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why didn't you say that in the first place?,
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heyman, richard (ed.)
jossey-bass, san francisco, calif., 1997
communication in management
business communications,
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chappell, r. t.
macdonald & evans, london, 1979
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we've got to start meeting like this,
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mosvick, roger k.,nelson, robert b.
scott, foresman, glenview, ill., ©1987
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communicating for results,
floor 2
hamilton, cheryl.,parker,cordell
wadsworth pub. co., belmont, calif., ©1990
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the haystack syndrome: sifting information out of the data ocean,
floor 2
goldratt, eliyahu m
north river press, croton-on-hudson, n.y., ©1990
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people to people : the business of communicating,
floor 2
lowry, maryann,o'connor, patricia,smith, mary ellen
copp clark pitman, toronto, ©1987
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effective communication,
floor 2
adair, john eri
pan, london, 1997
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communication for management and secretarial students,
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van schalkwyk, m. j. (marlene j.)
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business communication,communication in management
manager's survival guide,
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krieff, allan
prentice hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., ©1996
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integrated organisational communication,
floor 2
barker, rachel;,angelopulo, g. c.
juta, cape town, ©2006
communication in management,marketing--management
beyond spin,
floor 2
kounalakis, markos,banks, drew,,daus, kim
jossey-bass publishers, san francisco, ©1999
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effechtive crisis communication : moving from crisis to opportunity,
floor 2
robert r. ulmer,timothy l. sellnow,matthew w. seeger
sage publications, thousand oaks, 2007
communication in management
effective communication ,
floor 2
adair, john eric
pan, london, 1997
communication in management
managerial communication : strategies and applications,
floor 2
hynes, geraldine e.,veltsos, jennifer r., 1973-
sage, thousand oaks, ca, 2016
communication in management
success in communication,
floor 2
stuart sillars
murray, 1988
communication in management
communicating for results ,
floor 2
hamilton, cheryl,parker, cordell
wadsworth pub. co
communication in management
the articulate executive: learn to look, act, and sound like a leader,
floor 2
toogood, granville n.
mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1996
communication in management
communicating for results : a guide for business and the professions,
floor 2
hamilton, cheryl
wadsworth cengage learning
communication in management