
Education and Public Health

By - Smith, Jenny, 1963-
ISBN 10 - 0871208261
ISBN 13 - 9780871208262
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Public health
Shelf No - 20
common.call_no - 372.37 SMI
common.physical_description - vi, 137 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Book Information
Engaging students in community change has far-reaching benefits that not only support but also extend beyond academic achievement. Students who participate in such efforts become better connected to their schools and communities while learning and practicing the principles of democratic citizenship. Students with a high degree of school connectedness are less likely to make risky choices. In 1998, ASCD and The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation joined together to support school-community partnerships that used public health as a focus for student learning and community involvement. This book describes the lessons learned from the projects and provides insight into how schools and community public health agencies can work together to improve student achievement, behavior, and health. Using examples from diverse communities, the author discusses the intersections between education and public health, keys to successful projects, and ways to connect to the curriculum.

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