
Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual

By - Marieb, Elaine Nicpon
ISBN 10 - 0805349855
ISBN 13 - 9780805349856
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 7
common.call_no - 612.0078 MAR 2001
Book Information

7th ed

Elaine Marieb's clearly written and comprehensive lab manual has been thoroughly revised with new and updated content. Guiding readers through well-planned lab activities, this new edition features new illustrations and full-color photographs that help readers visualize and master lab concepts. Incorporating the best new technology available for A&P labs, PowerLab(r) procedures have been added to selected exercises so students can practice with computerized data compilation techniques. Plus, two new laboratory simulations have been added to the popular PhysioEx(tm) V3.0" program now available on CD-ROM or via the Web. < P> Designed to stand-alone or use with other materials, each manual contains anatomical and physiological terminology essential for use in one- or two-semester A&P courses. For college instructors and students.

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